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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
12/23/2024 1:47:33 PM

Your biggest issue with the game.

I would love to know what peoples issue is with this game. Tell me your biggest issue, the number 1. Not multiple issues but the issue. There are no right or wrong answers here, just your opinion on what you think is bringing this game done. Your biggest issue can be a small thing or a major thing. Now remember, the issue that someone has with this game, is something that we should not make fun of.

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  • 3rd person tracking is still bugged to high hell. Going through enemies, whiffing heavy attacks, targeting the wrong thing (rocks, allies, enemies around the one you're looking at, enemies outside of your FOV). Spectral Blades can't be used for single target damage because of this and it's been known forever. Large Boss Minotaurs still have this issue of swords targeting between their legs which causes you to walk right through or whiff half the attacks. Constantly going airborne when attacking an airborne or tall target so you're limited to only 3 light attacks per cycle, worse if you're using Worldline Zero as you now can't use the 2nd blink heavy attack unless you spam the button which will still miss half the time.

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  • Boring, repetitive, unrewarding

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  • The writing. I can forgive all the spaghetti code incidents if what's happening in the game is compelling & intriguing but I'm not getting that the last few years. TFS NPC scenes & some of the lore has turned into feelings & fwends and stopped giving us actual world building & character motivation. I understand it's good to evolve the NPC we play with & against, but when it starts being about their spouse or family, it becomes melodramatic, like some cheesy sitcom or bad fanfic. Lore entries about Ghosts going to therapy is jus too far for me.

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  • You are a background character in your own story, watching others drive the plot forward

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  • The game and how it’s been handled. Listing everything wrong with it would be like writing a damn thesis paper

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  • Right now? Grinds and bugs.

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  • Guitar errors in most PVE activities lately.

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  • The fact we know they can do better but they actively refuse to until the game has no pulse

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  • Same weapon drops in activities and patrol locations year after year.

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  • Edited by Dooodley: 12/24/2024 7:11:49 AM
    [i]My issue is something that will split the community so first I have to adress that from my PoV. I consider this game to be a solo player game with some multiplayer elements. I say that because almost all of it could have been played offline and solo - had offline-play been an option. It's also evident, based on data from various population data sites, that the vast majority of game time, across the population, is spent in activities that were balanced for solo play. [/i] So with that out of the way, the thing that annoys me the most - and I consider a huge missed opportunity on Bungie's part - is how almost every longterm goal in this game relies on players to also participate in the multiplayer aspects of the game. It should have been so easy to separate the two - giving solo players something to work toward too. As of now I just completely ignore trophies, titles etc - there's simply no point in caring about them because unless I fold and join an active clan, which is not something I'm interested in doing - I'll only be able to complete 95-99 % of said things. And unless you get to 100 % there's usually no point in doing them at all. My view on this would have been different - and was different - in a proper MMORPG but this isnt one of those games. Those games have living worlds where you're constantly interacting or at the very least meeting other players. They typically also have good systems in place for communication. Destiny went in the opposite direction; It likes to think of itself as a MMO but seemingly went out of its' way to prevent players from organically interacting. Activies are instanced, areas have a really low population cap, there's no global chat, LFG and VoiP were afterthoughts and not in the game from start...the list goes on. It's basically Halo - but you get to occassionally see other people sometimes. Hell, I would argue that their Halo games had more of a community, because it had good PvP that incentivized people to build relations.

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    • Too much time investment for inusfficient reward.

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      • Feeling weak. When a Guardian shows up on a battlefield, it should be like a battleship sailing into a fight against a bunch of destroyers. Even against a lot of enemies, a battleship would dish out a ton of punishment before succumbing. Instead, with anything even moderately difficult, it's like your Guardian is a mouse walking into a room full of cats. And not house cats, but lions and tigers. If you don't scurry around like a mouse, hiding most of the time, you don't last more than a second.

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      • PS Plus Required. That right there is the biggest issue in game for anyone who plays on a Playstation 4/5 console.

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      • Disrespect towards players trying to improve their PvP skills

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        6 Replies
        • [quote]I would love to know what peoples issue is with this game. Tell me your biggest issue, the number 1. Not multiple issues but the issue. There are no right or wrong answers here, just your opinion on what you think is bringing this game done. Your biggest issue can be a small thing or a major thing. Now remember, the issue that someone has with this game, is something that we should not make fun of.[/quote] This “seeding” garbage, that has ruined weapon RNG for a third of the player base… You know, the thing nobody could see, everybody denied and wreaked havoc for the entire time the game’s been on?

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        • Game is not worth the amount of money I've spent on it

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        • My main issue other than Bungie as a whole with how they have done with the game is minus power/power disabled. That being added to the game removed the point of grinding for the power cap as it use to allow you to get power over the recommended and be stronger than the activity in question. Now you are always at disadvantage so you are not only weaker in terms of damage, but weaker in terms of defence as you die in a few seconds even with max resilience.

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        • Lack of build diversity, no new abilities, no new supers, no new stuff, build crafting with drip making for my guardians was something I enjoyed

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          • Edited by Zodleon: 12/23/2024 11:45:42 PM
            The new player experience and ease of getting into the game both monetarily and from a clarity standpoint. A lot of the problems right now could have been headed off by making the game easy to pick up, and some are basically unsolvable without enough players. I have other issues of course but I think a not insignificant portion of them eventually lead back to this one.

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          • Edited by THA_3rd_GUY: 12/24/2024 3:41:30 AM
            The lack of certainty regarding the future of the game. Bungie loves to preach about they intend to keep Destiny around for years to come, but they've barely talked about it. Aside from the names Apollo and Frontiers, what do we know about the future of the game? Nothing. Except what it won't include. They've said they won't do expansions anymore. They're dropping the Episodic formula after only one year. And I doubt they're willing to go back to the Seasonal Model. I get that we still have one more Season left to go, but Bungie really needs to talk about Apollo and Frontiers more to put our minds at ease regarding where the game is going.

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            3 Replies
            • My biggest issue with the game is the matchmaking in trials, I’ll get an entire team of people who have 300+ flawlesses while my team has a combined 2 and both are mine.

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              • It's made by a team of clowns with egos.

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                • 9
                  Health gated strike bosses. Let me cook

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                  • There is no attractive trait this game could bring to new players. I have seen what the 'New Light' quests do and they don't explain anything in any logical sense nor rhyme or rhythm, its all just go here and do this thing for this other thing but without explaining why nor will it guide people to actually learn anything. New Players don't need mixed up mumbo jumbo, they need a reason for why they are doing what they are doing. What they need is an all-in-one comprehensive guide for: Builds, Abilities, Weapons, Playlists, and a compressed story recap. This game is dying, sure you have some new players and just maybe a small amount that stay interested, but this game is losing players faster than it can bring new players in, and without any sense of direction after the New Light quests these new players are going to be lost as all hell. This is a small issue but it will never be addressed, and by the time it does, it won't matter. In time, Destiny will have become the next literal Destiny-Killer, ironic isn't it.

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                    62 Replies
                    • Too many useless mini games. Onslaught. Battlegrounds. Etc.

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                    • Seasonal weapons not dropping with multiple perks in each column. I’m loving some of the guns I’ve got from playlist activities this season (better devils, anonymous autumn, bygones, etc) because they give me flexibility to adjust the multiple perks for the loadout style I need.

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