I have done every single step for the Hunter's Remembrance Quest, and I still cannot get the Wish Ender because when I go to the statue after the Ogre in the dungeon it still says "requires purified mementos" even though it says I have purified all 3 of them! This game is very frustrating, I have been trying to do this quest for 4 years and it is still bugged.
First of all, I would like to add that this is Bungie's fault, the reason is simple, they put this item in the weapon slot, so I looked at it and I didn't see anything special about it, I deleted it and my English is also not good... They should have simply put this item in the inventory and not among the weapons. I have completed the entire task, but for the statue it requires a memento, I have read several times that the memento is no longer needed, it is possible, but for people who have this task for a long time, they have not fixed it, I even deleted all the characters gradually, it did not help, the task is simply saved in the kiosk, the only thing that will help is to create a cross save in PSN or MOUNO and others and start over, the problem is that you will not have anything, everything you worked on, weapons, catalyst, etc. everything is needed from the beginning. Bungie simply looks at the money, but it probably has no desire to fix errors.Sorry foe eng