Bungie you need to add a new source of getting a deepsight harmonizer.
Red Borders in raids is feast or famine, nothing in between.
I have gotten 1 red frame from Garden of Salvation. I have friends who got both the handcannon and pulse the first week of the boss glitch farm.
Other raids took forever to get red borders including red border chests.
Xur could have a quest: play 10 vanguard/Cruciable or gambit matches and get 1 harmonizer a week.
This at least gives a steady source to getting a harmonizer plus guaranting a person can get guns unlocked even with bad red border drops.
Coming soon to eververse.... Lol can you imagine?!😂
Wish I could give you mine, I have nothing to use them on since I have all the regular crafted weapons done. I'm only missing dungeon and raid ones, and I don't really raid or care for the dungeons that have them.
Unlikely considering the resurgence of RNG in the loot economy.
They will probably be phased out now that they are going back to RNG drops.
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
it seems unlikely as they seem to be using it to sell battle passes > to one degree I def would like sources of deepsight harmonizers... but if they can bring enough value to battle passes maybe this is a smart way to fund our game -
No if anything it’s going to be ev