Few weeks ago I deleted my Twitch Account for personal reasons, I also haven't played Destiny 2 in a long while but just saw the Twitch gift reward emblem [i](Tabula Rasa)[/i] and decided to do it since I thought It'd be nice to have.
I did this on a completely [b]BRAND NEW[/b] Twitch account and when I went to apply it to my Bungie account it told me I had a Twitch account linked already [i](being my old and deleted one)[/i], every time I try to unlink my old Twitch it doesn't authorize due to me not being able to log in to my [b]DELETED Twitch Account[/b] to Authenticate it, [i]as shown in the image above.[/i]
Any suggestions or ideas? Would be much appreciated.
Good day Guardian! Unfortunately, Bungie cannot handle any concerns with authenticated/linked accounts to your Bungie profile. You must seek assistance through the support channels of the affected authenticated/linked account, so in this case, through Twitch.