Spent a hr of playing banner with my sister to only win one match teammates not capturing objectives ,can't kill or defend and hold on to supers like pvp at this point is trash and unfun.
Duh …every IB😂
You don’t think it’s your sister dragging the team down and screwing over matchmaking? You are 7-3 in your last 10 matches. Is that with or without your sister?
Edited by nonchalantone: 12/10/2024 12:29:16 AMCould you and your sister not invite 4 more people from LFG and communicate? You're rolling dice if you expect randoms to know what you want in this game. Edit: I just noticed you have 87 clan mates as well. (86 if sister is included). Was this not an option to invite them or others?
If they're gonna maintain a single playlist (to not split the already miniscule playerbase even further), then they [i]have[/i] to make it Clash. One playlist with unique loot means anyone that wants that loot will be there, and that includes Little Timmy No-Thumbs and every shotgun-aping member of the Elmer Fudd Impersonation Brigade. And with basically no SBMM (just 'outlier protection', whatever that is, because from the matches we've all had, it clearly isn't SBMM....), they could be in your game, and on your team. So save these poor peons form having to strain their last two braincells and at least just make them worry about their combat skills, and save the rest of us from yet another frustrating reenactment of either Starship Troopers or Enemy at the Gates!
I swear, sometimes I’m sure that Bungie has secretly put bots in the game to fill out low player count. Some of the things I’ve seen guardians do reminds me of playing a COD lobby with zero human opponents
It’s not just team balancing. Tonight was a legendary lag s*** show (or cheat) on my end. First time in a while I leave a game, unplayable. A red jack got frozen in stasis, he’s just standing there, yet it took two of us, and more than 4 HC precision shot on my end at close range to get it. Days like these I just switch to my PvE character and do something else.