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12/5/2024 5:28:28 PM

The weakest PvP Players that are

reliant upon the "safety" of [b]ranged weapons[/b] with [b]too high ease of use[/b] are [u]the first demoralized[/u] and unwilling to capture an objective point or heavy. This exacerbates and further amplifies the apparency of persistent problems with certain game modes and maps. How people choose to play them.

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  • These Weakest Players are carving out their own personal niche of combat. If they want to play like that, who are you to judge them. Personally, I don’t find it to be that fun of a combat style, so I play a dueling build as opposed to a shutdown + long range build. That being said, I probably die more often than the Long Rangers due to this fact.

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    12 Replies
    • It’s just destiny pvp which now is dwindling players rapidly . Why take it so seriously ….its not changing …well for a while . A lot of people are so predictable jumping on the meta train .

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    • The comments to this post are giving me brain rot

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      1 Reply
      • People are scared to push and would rather lean on a ranged meta because they are bad. Sbmm protects them from needing to improve by providing a safety net against the "sweats." 6's are not in a good spot right now. Competitive gamemodes are even worse thanks to prism titan.

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        9 Replies
        • [quote]reliant upon the "safety" of [b]ranged weapons[/b] with [b]too high ease of use[/b] are [u]the first demoralized[/u] and unwilling to capture an objective point or heavy. This exacerbates and further amplifies the apparency of persistent problems with certain game modes and maps. How people choose to play them.[/quote] It's a video game, calm down bro if your taking this serious about a game maybe put it down an interact with the real world, ppl using the weapon they prefer in a 6v6 will not kill you. It's a game in the end literally means nothing, once the match ends that it it's over. A lot of yall are taking things personal, the meta changes no one cares, ppl will use whatever is meta, hc shotty, pulse fusion, smg/auto whatever. If you have to come here an tell other ppl how they play a game it's you not them.

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          17 Replies
          • Those Jim's should die on the control point for you, so you can go off and slay like a good boy!!! Not sure what your goal of this topic is... I honestly dont play control anymore, just Mayhem and some IB when its around and not overlapping with Mayhem (like it is this week). I like my ranged weapons, but also not afraid to take them mid range and try to hold strong map positions. I just want to have extended range dropoff and play a bit hit and run at times (which is why I like 200 LW scouts). I play what I enjoy playing with, not necessarily what the best option is. If I am not going to have fun with dual primary off meta stuff, then Im not going to play... and thats my choice as a "weak" PvP player. I play solo, and try to play and support my teammates when I can. So I like to have extra range to be able to hit em if I can see em. I do cap some zones, and contest the heavy, and try to win the games...

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            5 Replies
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              So play like the “elite”? Equip a 100 aim assist handcannon and ignore the objective! Read you loud and clear champ.

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              21 Replies
              • That's funny. You're describing tactics and positioning as "weak". Hilarious. I suppose shotgun apes are "strong"?

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                4 Replies
                • People who complain like you do are the reason pvp is crap. You cry about Special ammo, abilities, and every little thing that annoys you and this is the result of it. A pulse/scout meta with hand-holding at every engagement. Won't be long before we're back in vanilla d2 again with how boring pvp is.

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                  19 Replies
                  • What about those reliant on god roll rose hand cannons with max aim assist??

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                    27 Replies
                    • Edited by IcyHorizons: 12/7/2024 12:56:42 AM
                      Not quite sure how to address this but I'll give it a go. The issues with PvP aren't because of players using ranged weapons or not capturing control points on a control game mode...... It's how weapons are balanced. A 140 or 120 Hand Cannon can duel within ranges comparable to a Pulse Rifle or Scout Rifle. Auto Rifles are rarely used. Shotguns are very inconsistent. Fusion Rifles have basically become Shotguns. Scout Rifles don't exist. (If you dare to say they do, please show me when the last Scout Rifle meta was, outside of Dead Man's Tale.) Need I go on?

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                      3 Replies
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                        Nah, I'm good with my scout rifle. Destiny players have ego problems so they almost ALWAYS come back to the exact spot they died to try get me, free kills

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                        1 Reply
                        • Edited by 堺市 Rinzler (PRIMARCH): 12/5/2024 7:50:21 PM
                          Oh wow, another rose shotgun user mad because he cant just run at people and 1 shot others....

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                          40 Replies
                          • Um. So what you're saying is use Graviton Lance but also capture zones. Got it.

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                            1 Reply
                            • I just don’t want to special joust constantly in pvp. If I see you with my knucklehead radar I’m going to two burst you while I back pedal with my messenger. It’s really just common sense.

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                              • The 0 upvote posts that are….

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                                • The biggest offender is just prismatic not making close range easier. But after that? Yeah some pulse rifles/hand cannons are out of band. Extremely even

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                                  5 Replies
                                  • When I played PvP my preferred weapons were Jade Rabbit, Mida or Graviton Lance, paired with a sidearm. I consistently played the objective/tried to grab heavy. I may not have been overly successful, but I tried.

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                                    4 Replies
                                    • I don’t even have to check. Hunter much?

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                                      28 Replies
                                      • [quote]This exacerbates and further amplifies the apparency of persistent problems with certain game modes and maps. How people choose to play them.[/quote] The whole game can't be about making it so some people (at the extremes of the skill band) can do whatever they want to do and then have people also be saying this. This game doesn't work when people just pretend and that's all they're good at doing.

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                                        2 Replies
                                        • Nah

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                                          7 Replies
                                          • If you beat people over the head with a thesaurus they're not gonna get your point. But anyways I agree. -blam!- pulses.

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                                            6 Replies
                                            • Might i ask, what is the common long range weapon you see on a match to match basis?

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                                              5 Replies
                                              • remember people. we are talking about [b][i]weapon tuning[/i][/b] not [b][i]prism titan[/i][/b] 😂

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                                              • it's not even that. I'm not going to push the entire team, if mine is camping in the back of spawn, shitting their pants. usually ill just leave.

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                                                13 Replies
                                                • Yeah the long range meta is boring now but destiny pvp is what it is now.

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