Hey everyone!
Originally started as a group of friends wanting to play destiny 2 without drama and chaos of admin heavy clans, 12 pack of hamsters was formed. And yes, you read that correctly. Hamsters. Blame late night conversations at 3am about someone eating my hamster Sylvian. Thanks Guero.
We've recently openned the doors for recruitment and looking for guardians who don't want drama, who want to just play a videogame without the pressures of needing to be active on a daily basis and want to avoid a toxicity enviroment of cliques and dicks.
Raiders, PVE, PVP, All end game content and even your gambit squads, we're looking for everyone! Multiple time zones. (We have a lot of American peeps currently.) +21 clan, we're quite a bunch of mature folks, so preferably no one under that age.
We also have a discord server that's mandatory to join so you can see the events and speak with other clan folks easily. ☺️
Come join a pack of hamsters that will become your guardians family for life!
Your founder,
Panda :D
As an added incentive, they are very cool and play on a daily basis and New Lights are welcome!! They will help guide you through the confusion that can happen in Destiny 2. Come on down and become part of the Rabid Pack of Hammies!!