was already a problem even before ability regen cooldown nerf to Prismatic and will need to be reduced.
It should also highlight how free other abilities on that class are to the masses... eventually.
It’s completely fine, you can even chain diamond lances if you wait a few seconds before picking it up. Wait a bit, pickup, diamond lances cd goes away, throw lances, punch , wait few seconds with pickup, repeat all steps. And then knockout just aggressively healing them constantly is the cherry on top. Oops, I got to low hp on my titan *presses thruster button* “Oh look I healed 155hp and can do it again in 26seconds yay” But nerf hunters
The "sit" timer is too generous needs to be shorter and risky play. And warlock stasis kit also needs to be toned down a bit.
The teardown of hunters neutral game in prismatic has allowed the absurd amount of melee to take shape.
God tier hunter main: Has perfect map awareness, insane movement, and incredible aim. Timmy the titan main: *drooling chewed up crayon* crouch walking and takes 4 seconds to line up a shot. Obviously dies to said hunter. Bungie: Back to the drawing board, gotta make sure Timmy can kill this hunter.
I think my biggest problem with diamond lance is that there's nothing you can really do about it, especially in solo queue. If my teammate dies to a titan ability across the map, the titan can skate over and take their free diamond lance kill on me. This meta got me watching killfeed+radar more than actually playing the game.
To many players can't secure a kill without freezing someone for a free kill!
Prismatic as a whole needs to be gutted. I’d honestly be fine if they restricted it from pvp but I’m sure that’s a hot take.
Diamond lance has a 12 second cooldown its only strong for that one instance, titans have diamond lance/knockout, warlocks have turrent army, hunters have whatever they have.
Prismatic just took any sacrifices you had to make by using some busted stuff and just removed those drawbacks. Arc warlocks sucked aside from the melee but now they have fed it horse steroids and it has a decent super also. Bungie can’t seem to understand that it’s okay from things to have sacrifices and drawbacks, not everything needs to be absolutely busted. Not surprising though. The bad players that bungie loves wouldn’t be able to get any kills otherwise. Also we need to buff knockout on arc Titan.
It is very annoying and with the game being hesitant to give people more weapon kills for getting a weapon kill you really have to wonder why titans (or someone else on their team) should get a free extra kill for doing what they do. Speaking of which, what does it take other than a melee to get the freezy javelin to appear? I don't play Titan so I'm assuming it has to be something else.