(this is a story based on my head cannon for my guardian and ghost so enjoy this little bit of story where a guardian broke the code where you shouldn't find out who you where before becoming a guardian and learned why that exists the hard way)
A lone guardian stood on the old vanguard tower his towering frame leaning on a still standing fence
a hollowed stare out into the mountains.
his loyal ghost floats beside him quietly waiting for him to say something worried of what is going on in his guardians head after clovis bray forcefully restored his memory's.
"who am i?" weakly murmured the guardian
"am i this pre-golden age kid named nick or this aged and time tested guardian with no name?"
his ghost took a moment to think on how to respond worried about the consequences it could have down the road before finding the courage to say something.
"both" his ghost responded softly "even if it may look like it you are still nick... just older... wiser and well more accomplished".
the shimmer of prismatic echoed behind the ghost as it floated in front of the tortured soul resting inside his guardian.
the guardian looks up to see his ghost a bright chromatic glow meets his mechanical gaze.
a wave of comfort and warmth flows through him at the sight of his first and longest lasting friend in these dark times.
"i know that who you where in the past made the traveler be-leave you where worthy of the light so much so that it made ME for YOU"
the guardian smiled as he stood up straight "even with the autism sticking around post resurrection?"
his ghost nodded before making the closest thing to a smile it could make with its shell.
the guardian did too as he reached out to hug his ghost.
"so" his ghost asked "what are we going to do now?"
he sat there and pondered his past before he was a guardian and remembered a entire patch of land the vanguard has not reached yet.
remembering its valleys and hills reminiscent of a paradise before accessing the pale heart.
"i think im gonna say hi to my dad..." the guardian said "maybe see if i still have some golden age ray guns to offer to cade even if its a little late for him to collect"
the ghost's eye flickered as it called their ship for a trip to the old Americas to visit a home grown paradise one more time.
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