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11/26/2024 4:42:57 PM

Please Bungie, fix the wishender quest!

Hello everyone, like many other guardians I haven't been able to get the wishender bow since like forever. I am at step 3 of 4 of the updated quest "a hunter's remembrance" where it tells me to lay down the awakened mementos near the statue. The problem is: I don't have anything in my inventory or in my primary weapon slot inventory. It seems it would still let me get this far without it and when killing each hidden boss in the shattered throne dungeon I would also get the notification that each memento was done. I have seen many different stories and all of them are really sad. Most of us have tried everything and have completed the dungeon hundreds of time, each time trying something different. Wasting so many hours of our lives. Many complaints here in this forum didn't even get an answer but after some research this is supposed to be the correct way to file these reports. So here goes nothing: (disclaimer: english is not my mother tongue, but I will try my best) My current situation: I will describe this as detailed as I can since I know some of you will tell me to go to Petra and just pick up the memento for the primary slot and get going. This was even suggested to one fellow sad guardian by a bungie official here in this forum. This is like telling a broke person "just go to a bank and get some money"... WE HAVE TRIED! I went to Petra every day of the week. Since there is a 3 week cycle in the dreaming city I have also tried to do it every week. I went to Petra before entering the dungeon and then finish the dungeon. Or go to Petra, finish the 2nd boss and get to the statue, visit Petra and go back to the dungeon and finish it. Start the dungeon first and go to Petra afterwards. I have tried every option I could think of. But I am getting carried away. I used to have the three mementos in my quest inventory from back when the questline wasn't updated yet. Unfortunately I didn't get to finish the quest back then and the quest got updated. Since then I have never gotten a new memento. I picked up the new quest from the quest terminal and got started. I didn't accept it on another character of mine and deleted it by accident. I am a hunter main and would never start a quest with a titan or warlock, since they don't even have gear. I have also tried to discard the quest and start it over. But even if you discard it on every character and pick it up again, you keep the progress. I can't restart and I can't resume. I am finally able to play all the endgame content there is and the wishender bow could be used in all of them and is just too powerful not to have. So PLEASE bungie, do something. Since you have been aware of this problem for months or even years and seem to have no idea how to tackle it, here are some suggestions: 1. give us the option to restart quest lines! If I would be able to discard the mission and reset all my progress then I could get another chance to get a memento from Petra. Because she is supposed to give them out at step 1 of the quest. Why does my progress not reset if I discard a quest anyway? 2. Make the memento a regular shop item from Petra? This shouldn't be too hard right? I don't even see an issue with this. 3. Why not make the hidden bosses in the shattered throne dungeon drop each memento after beaing killed? I guess that takes away the process of "awakening" the mementos since you should have them beforehand. That suggests: 4. Put the memento in the beginning of the dungeon (hide it somewhere if you want to make it harder) and let the players pick it up and then go on and awaken it. As you can tell I am really desperate. I have put a lot of time into trying different things so I thought it would be only right to give this report some time :D Just so I can tell myself that I have tried everything. Can you say the same Bungie?

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