can anyone explain why freelance was removed from pvp and gambit? i miss being able to just solo queue against other solo players due to it being a little more balanced, and i feel like ever since it was removed no one ever talks about it? back when the episode started and i did my comp placement matches one of my teams were all solo queue and we were against a 3-stack LMFAO; i just think it's a bit ridiculous.
edit: thank you for the insight in the replies, i now understand why it was removed and actually agree with the decision; though i'd like to reiterate this isn't me babyraging about sweaty prism hunter stacks i just always preferred playing with other solo players, i'm antisocial.
Edited by I am kevin: 11/26/2024 3:55:53 PMBungie has stated that they concluded 2 things: Destiny solo q playlist made it so a mmo aspect of the game was becoming more of a solo player experience and wanted to steer players towards playing with eachother. Aka there qoute, destiny is best played with friends. Then the second thing they have stated that there mm parameters where so on point that they could mix fbmm and solo players because there outcome of a given match was 88% correct and 96% correct of how would win and if it would be a mercy so there was no more need for solo playlist