can anyone explain why freelance was removed from pvp and gambit? i miss being able to just solo queue against other solo players due to it being a little more balanced, and i feel like ever since it was removed no one ever talks about it? back when the episode started and i did my comp placement matches one of my teams were all solo queue and we were against a 3-stack LMFAO; i just think it's a bit ridiculous.
edit: thank you for the insight in the replies, i now understand why it was removed and actually agree with the decision; though i'd like to reiterate this isn't me babyraging about sweaty prism hunter stacks i just always preferred playing with other solo players, i'm antisocial.
Edited by AppleSoda: 11/26/2024 1:51:35 PMMatchmaking tries to find balanced fireteam sizes but will loosen up if there are no quality matches within a certain timeframe. Freelance split the playerbase immensely, killed queue times, and single-handedly made 5 stacking (in 6v6) or 2 stacking (in 3v3) completely unplayable. I rarely get in a game where the teams are not at least balanced by fireteam size (no, you being the solo to a 2/5 stack against the enemy team’s solo and 2/5 stack is not unfair—it’s a 50/50 you get the better teammates, as it always is.) I understand the frustration, as I sometimes get frustrated by these games too, but I think most of it is simply an excuse instead of self-reflection on why you lost. Games are not instantly won or lost just based on stack size or the players you were assigned—it is that mindset that perpetuates inevitable defeats in these conditions. The current scheme is simply the most logical matchmaking system and is why other games use the exact same system and not a “freelance” equivalent, even despite many games having much higher PvP populations which would mitigate some of the downsides. Creating such a large disparity in queue times and match quality based on your stack size is simply unintuitive and unfun—you should be encouraged to play with your friends at all times, not just when you have the exact correct number to optimize your queue times and match quality. While I think having a good solo experience is important, it never should be that the difference in quality is such that I refuse to play with any of my friends because Freelance is simply the correct answer and if that means making the solo experience marginally worse, then so be it.