Okay is it just me or is anyone else getting blown up by there own grenade from there GL when firing. I feel like my GL’s grenade is hitting the enemies projectile and is exploding in my face.
Bungie changed objects’ physicalities this season so all kinds of inanimate objects like glimmer will impact your shots unfortunately. I posted a video of that exact thing costing me a solo flawless run of vespers host.
Yep it's stupid and was never a problem before same as glimmer killing players because it counts as an solid object now . Players that stick up for bungie on this one are a joke this bug makes gls the worst heavy in the game to use atm and needs fixing sooner than later
Stale game. - old
As it should be. Just like a missile fired from a rocket launcher, the projectile detonated in close proximity to the player causes damage to the player who fired the weapon. What is the problem? -
I was running the new Elders game and died at least 6 times in one match because of "architects". Most of the time I never even saw what happened I just assumed a bullet hit my grenade.
it is happening a lot, yes, i don't know if it's intentional or not but ever since TFS dropped it's been an issue.
It’s a new change I’m sure,I stopped using explosives because of it.
Anarchy would probably be ok too if it had better ammo economy
Since all the adds have been programed now to jump in your face, this is why is why I am using colony GL. Either that or HMG. Special area containment breach gls are good too.
I'm putting 1KV instead, for safety reasons.
Ain't it fun?
Yeah I killed myself a few times because to this. Especially when fighting scorn. Idk if it’s a bug or enemies got smart this season to shoot our grenades.
The enemies seem to purposely be jumping in front of mine in PvE. And in PvP they've blown up in my face maybe a couple times in the last few weeks but I just assume that's my fault for some reason.