Enemy Grenades slow
Bat screeches slow
Mines slow
Now melees slow
Half of the time the Contest of Elders runs feel like you’re playing them in quicksand.
I’m all for challenging and engaging gameplay, but this feels more like a cheap gimmick you dialed up to 11 for lack of better ideas.
I’m sure this is a minor gripe.
Get gud/skill issue/blabla same song and dance from the same handful of trolls.
But it’s a gripe nonetheless.
I like freezing things n not having to empty 309 rounds into em but I respek your opinion too
You act like if we don’t the same thing to them
just remember this: the game isn't for us. it's for the youtubers and streamers.
On the topic of this, I think it's bs that Cabal rockets blind, slow, AND damage you. It shouldn't be ALL of those effects. It's pretty overkill. I'd prefer if the rockets did more damage than slow and blind you. Additionally, Scorn projectiles should stop counting as objects. I've died too many times to count due to blowing myself up via a rocket or GL due to those damn projectiles they shoot at you impacting a rocket or something in my face. It's just annoying.
funny part is that pvp players were -blam!- about being slowed in pvp so much they had to nerf stasis slow multiple time. and yet they are putting more and more into pve.
I noticed that a lot of the modifiers are negative and impact only the players. Why not put something that also benefits us as the player?
is called skill issue, don't get hit is simple
Yeah there is too may slows, and the stasis slows are just insane now. We also get yanked around the room by the 200 strand mobs that have overshields and 4k hp. Fallen mines that have magically quadrupled in a year to having the floor very literally covered in them (I used to have a screenshot of a whole floor barely visible from mines). 500 melee mobs again with overshields and 10k hp that do 20-50 slow stacks on melee. I guess they were going for "difficulty", but all they did was make a lazy addition that's obnoxious and overused.
It's laziness from Bungo. No other answer.
Gotta love that artificial difficulty sauce that Bungie has been using for ages.
There is no “get good” or “skill issue” here. Being slowed sucks. End of debate!
All part of the big roguelite experience these amazing developers developed. I can’t put D2 down. Contest, yes!!! Omg I do 10+ runs a day. The encounters, the loot , it truly is all exceptional.
I mean the bats are super annoying. But that’s kinda the point. Mines have been in since D1. I can see how the others could upset some people though.
I think it's a sly way to slow down consecration, lightning surge, tempest strike etc. The game keeps introducing more and more ways to slow or immobilise the player and it's so annoying feeling like I'm trying to run through a pool of molasses. At this point the new modifiers make me miss match game.
I hate the bats so much. I threw a gunpowder gamble and was about to hop away when a whole mob simultaneously screamed at me. It blew me up. I don’t think I’ve ever died in a more embarrassing way.
I wouldn't mind a mod that reduces the effects of debuffs like slow,suspend,suppress
The bats are really the only annoying ones to me. The others are all either not constant enough to be a problem, easy to avoid or escape, or are a consequence of not respecting a modifier (like Chill Touch) The bat blasts are extremely annoying bc of how annoying it is to hit the bats themselves and how unavoidable their AoE is. It has a wide cone that is really hard to judge the edges of. It feels really inconsistent
I’m sure the enemies feel the same about Rime Coat haha
You can thank consecration Titans and other melee spamming focused builds. Bungie doesn't want the heat by nerfing it so they add these slow effects to basically disable it. Honestly I prefer this than a nerf.