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11/24/2024 5:52:46 PM

Exotic Armor should accept ALL ornaments!

Exotic Armor should accept ALL ornaments.


Exotic Armor should accept PURCHASED armor sets.


Exotic Armor should accept EARNED armor sets.


Exotic Ornaments, EARNED and PURCHASED armor sets.


The Lame-Coat Raiment has pushed me over the edge. It’s a powerful exotic armor piece, but soooooo unattractive. What is the point of ornamental armor sets, like the very cool looking Doki set, if you have to wear it with a horrible looking exotic like the Grime-Coat Raiment. Seems like an easy change to me. And a nice and fun quality-of-game-life addition at a time where Bungie can’t seem to nail down what makes a game fun. I can see Bungie saying, “Yeah, that’s a decent idea. We will make it so that only purchased sets can be applied to exotic armor.” Bungie’s reputation precedes! Just give us ALL amor sets. Even the ones we haven’t unlocked. Make exotics more special than a purple items. Isn’t that the whole point of exotics? my $0.02.

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  • For the longest time I was against the idea, but now I agree with it. The cited reason for why they don't allow it is so players can recognise what armour other people are using in PvP. The thing is that, given the effectively infinite combinations of ornaments and shaders, you're never going to notice what someone has on mid-combat, outside of maybe a couple of Warlock chests. If they're using a Class Item, you don't know what perks they have on it just by looking at the player model. That said, I think Rime-Coat looks great, I don't know why so many people think it's ugly. It's nothing like the typical Warlock dresses that usually garner hatred and the moving eye is sick IMO.

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