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11/23/2024 5:58:17 PM

Dialogue Bugs are ruining the narrative experience

Title says is really. Both Acts of Episode Revenant have been rife with dialogue either not playing at all or cutting off before it has finished. I have even noticed a few instances where the dialogue of two characters in conversation will overlap. Since so many of the quests and dialogue instances are only available once per character, and in some cases once per account, if you miss it you are screwed because you can't go back. This primeval way of doing missions is sloppy and honestly stupid. But for someone who cares as much about the narrative as I do about the loot grind and challenging activities, it becomes impossible to care at all when it's clear Bungie themselves don't care enough to make sure all this works before throwing it at the player half finished.

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  • [quote] I have even noticed a few instances where the dialogue of two characters in conversation will overlap.[/quote] That doesn't sound right. It worked fine for me so completely unsure what that could be.

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