But -blam!- that person, have some pizza
Happy Friday Offtopic!
I’m geniunely curious if someone has come across my YT or other social media and just developed a deep hatred for me despite me trying to stay chill.
I have lost all faith in Humanity, and am totally fine with an all out total world apocalypse to cleanse human degeneracy as I hate all humans equally. Anyone know how one might be able to set off volcanoes intentionally, I need it for scientific [i]experimentation[/i], something about the entirety of a ring of fire...
Pizza, hate, and spite.. got me through a lot of tough times 🍕
Thanks for the feedback! However, I’m going to take that as a compliment and keep doing what I’m doing! Thanks for the pizza!
Thanks dude 🍕🍕
So my plan is working. Good to know.
Dawg is this aimed at me? I do weekly reminders that someone loves cherishes and appreciates you. There’s some Bungie Forum Beef going on. >:(
As a White man, a lot of people hate me…
It keeps me warm at night
What if that somebody is me? I’ll take some pizza though.
And I know exactly who....
Sauceborne hunter - old
This pizza kinda tastes like poison -
Azura, Pronouns Haver
Sorceress of Crustania - old
A lot of people would like me dead, but screw it I’ll take some pizza 🍕🍕🍕🍕 -
Edited by Fives: 11/23/2024 9:50:56 PMHappy Friday! 🍕🍕🍕🍕