So far I've got :
Osteo Striga
Ability regen being tied to cooldown in pve
Stasis and dmt
Arc Titan Antaeus Wards Peacekeepers Smgs Immortal Cloudstrike Tarrabah
Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 11/23/2024 5:15:21 PMTrench Barrell, the festival shotty reminded me how good it used to be DMT, it should gain gain damage with each stack of cranial spike again , even ads Sleeper and Queensbreaker, reverse the Gambit nerfs that killed them everywhere Nova Warp Well Praxic Fire Target Lock on SMGs Rangefinder Hawkmoon(give it back it's D1 perks) Scouts Snipers Raiden Flux boss damage Will edit list as I think of more
Here’s what I got: Ward of Dawn Reconstruction Vortex Swords Lament Divinity Well Quicksilver Snipers/Scouts in pve Linears in pve Comp matchmaking changes
Arc and void hunter
About 90 percent of the stasis nerfs they tried to make it compatible with 1.0 light subclasses talk about power crept
Threaded spectre Smoke bombs Threadlings Bakaris (Obviously all on the normal subclasses not the prismatic versions) Calibans YaS
Witherhoard Anarchy One Thousand Voices Xenophage The Lament Vex Mythoclast Divinity Osteo Striga Quicksilver Storm Izanagi's Burden Whisper of the Worm Dead Man's Tale Outbreak Perfected No Time to Explain Basically anything and everything that touched PvE. And if it was for PvP seperate it and don't cry that it can't be done. We're past those lies.
If you ask me, I don’t have much to say but I would say this Hunters: GG Celestial shot, why did it have its damage taken down by 5% is weird Combination blow, don’t know why this one happened either since the crazy damage was thanks to a combo Invisibility radar, since now it’s not exactly useful anymore and it pings you now Titan: The health of the bubble, I know this sounds like a bad thing but it’s a defence super, it’s not really good at the job now Hammers, this is the same as combination blow, one bad move and the entire thing goes down And I can’t think of anything for warlocks
Bungie nerfed the PvP damage of charged Chaos Accelerant Vortex Grenade and made Threadlings hit like a wet noodle
Edited by Ghostfire239: 11/24/2024 6:43:40 AMSpectral Blades Duration (the extra super drain when out of stealth needs to go) Combination Blow (either undo the damage nerf or the healing nerf) Auto loading/Reconstruction (they feel terrible now imo). Lament Luna’s Howl (Give it its old perk back) Revenant slow nerfs (either give it back it’s original slow stacks on Withering Blade so it can freeze in 2 hits, or give the slow it’s old duration back) There’s a very long list of things but these are the ones that bother me at the moment.
This is definitely controversial but: Still Hunt If precision isn't HEAVILY rewarded people won't use it. It's unfortunate this gun released with the witness because he's basically just a giant crit. I think the gun in it's base form would've been largely unproblematic against a majority of bosses. Div being a thing definitely complicates things but they could have made it so if you hit the div cage with still hunt GG shot you do like 25% less damage or something.
All hunter nerfs ever done.
All of it. Exotic armor and weapons. I always find the game to be at its best when it’s broken.
Luna's Howl. Recluse. Mountain Top. Revoker.
citan's ramparts
Peregrine Greaves. It can be difficult to proc them in tight spaces against champions...and I'm an expert 🤣 Shoulder charge. Losing energy when your melee wiffs. Lost count of how many times my melee has wiffed whilst going for a superhero moment either against a champion or a guardian...and I'm an expert 🤣
Revert all nerfs, buff everything, overbuff the existing weak stuff nobody uses like Nova Warp. Make it space-magic buffs 5.0, a time where we become gods.
Edited by LikwiD_SmOkE22: 11/23/2024 1:07:55 AMShards of Galanor. Revert it back to super return being based off of knife hits not explosions. It was originally an ad clear super now the only way to get a good portion back is hitting large yellow bars. Also autoloading and reconstruction. Those nerfs weren't needed at all.
All of them
I’m surprised no one said The Lament. I love that weapon, but man, the unnecessary nerf hurt it quite a bit.
Last word ads nerf. Let a girl aim her gun ;^;
Edited by sav: 11/23/2024 5:51:48 PMOsteo Striga, QSS, Divinity, Lament, witherhoard, and I hate to say it but, well of radiance and ward of dawn (in pve). [b]And give me the 15 handling you took from conditional finality back too![/b]