Can we get a proper firing range wherein weapon perks can proc properly, a place where we can get surges active and practice our weapon rotations for DPS.
Yes the enclave is there, but it only gives us unlimited ammo and something to shoot at. It doesn't activate weapon perks among other things. It doesn't even properly identify which are crit and non-crit zones, much less letting you know if you've hit the damage falloff properly and so on.
While it's "fun" to do damage tests on Carl the Cabal, The Grasp Ogre and maybe even Templar, these requires more prep than necessary, and even additional people for help to get to damage. It also doesn't really help in building muscle memory especially for the younger guardians practicing their Bait and Switch weapon rotations.
It needs to have PvP dummies in it too. I’d like to be able to actually test damage perks or range perks without having to crunch numbers in D2 foundry or have to get a buddy to sit around and die to me for a half hour.
I miss using the Tribute Hall. It was more fun testing out guns on an actual immobile enemies or get a super close up look at each one. Now we just have those small insignificant floating discs at the Enclave that gives very little feedback infos when we shoot our guns at it.
We had that, with virtual enemies from red bars to bosses But it was lost to the dark corners of time There is a way to get it back , but it would take a unified community to stop playing and make Bungies bots monitoring player engagement have meltdown untill it and all the other content is returned But we are as far as you can get from united
Tribute hall back. (there fixed for you)
I miss the tribute hall every day.
Edited by Morakx: 11/9/2024 10:19:18 PMWe had this. In 2019. (tribute hall from season of opulence) But then greed took over at Bungie and they cut all the great content from the game rather than trying to figure out how to compress files, work on the engine and turn certain content into optional DLC to save disk space. But that would have required dev resources and money. Can't invest back into the game obviously so lets just rob content from our loyal players they paid for with their hard earned money. Everytime i read posts like this, i get reminded why i basically entirely quit the game and rarely log in anymore, thanks for the reminder :)
WE NEED THIS. "Can't hit your shots? Need Div?" - some guardian (c) 2023
Targets with different colours to show different enemy levels red, orange, yellow and time windows so you can actually set up for different boss encounters and the damage windows so as to use the best for the situation not just “this build is best because light gg says it is; get good noob”
Absolutely need this especially if we could have test dummies based of raid bosses
i miss the tribute hall, i've always liked the idea of having our own mini throne world to use for a new one but lorewise i think we'd need a hive worm for that
Edited by DJ: 11/9/2024 7:21:11 PMI've been wanting the Tribute Hall from Season of Opulence back for this precise reason.
It should be a simulation like the cloud arc thing
Who tf is Carl the cabal
It’s such an easy win that it feels like Bungie are just not doing it out of spite at this point.
Also a floor would be nice, for GLs. Enemy types and ten Crucible HP Guardians would be pretty useful. The Enclave Batcave was a step backwards from the rather odd Leviathan trophy room.