It's pizza friday, what is the superior pizza topping?
and Don't say anchovies. Salty fishy Pizza makes me puke and I will puke all over you. 🤢
I like all toppings tbh. Just give me pizza and I will be happy. BUT I do have one opinion about pizza. Pizza that is cut into squares rather than triangles is the supreme form of pizza. It makes it taste better. Just like if you were to cut a sandwich diagonally. Makes the experience 100x better imo.
Its past Friday, so to spite you, how bout a pizza with Anchovies, Mushrooms, Olives, and Spinach. The extra oily cheese dripping off nasty orange oils and the scent of smelly salty fish wafting through thine nostrils overwhelming your senses. A sublime poll by the way.
peanut butter & jelly
ALL the meat. Every kind. All over the pizza.
Azura, Pronouns Haver
Sorceress of Crustania - old
Ricotta cheese and artichoke -
[quote]and Don't say anchovies. Salty fishy Pizza makes me puke and I will puke all over you. 🤢[/quote]Hey, don’t threaten me with a good time.
More cheese! ( I'm also having pizza i can eat)
Classic pepperoni for me. It tastes like safety and surety. It’s consistent and I don’t have to worry about it letting me down like everyone else
Hot peppers and pineapple. Sweet and spicy!
Super Supreme or it's just not worth it.
Double it and give it all to me
Sauceborne hunter - old
Supreme pizza on top -