The tonics system is very cool, turns whatever activity, the wave defense more specifically, into a toxic mess of people greeding as many kills as they can. Why is that? Thats easy. Because a useful tool was now implemented that requires it. You want more chances at the weapon youre after, get as many kills as you can while youre teammates do the same. 17 times i ran 50 waves clearing 1600 kills (roughly) each game and my mates hovering on average 350-400. I got my weapon drops, and felt like a complete a**h**e at the end of each completion because im sure they were they trying to do the same thing. Is this seriously how these tonics are gonna stay? If so, and im sure a few others at least feel the same, this will be my last run when this season ends. Im not going to go into an activity for people to just speed-run everything more than they already do to hog the kills and im just taking a leisurely stroll because theyre killing everything and im there just trying to have much for teamwork, thats now been lowered even more than what it already was - which was dang near non-existent anyway.
Just make it how regular engrams drop. Ya just gotta be in the same radius. Tonic running? Make it roll for that instead of normals engrams. The cool system gets to stay, EVERYONE gets their rng on drops and activity completions, and no one is left out because of one person.
Ive rerolled my tonics lady 6 times now. (really after a specific gun and rolls, finally got it...) and the games were i cleared 1600 kills, my drop rate from the tonics were significantly higher than the ones I didnt. And im talking a 1600+ game with 4-5 drops ALMOST every game to a normal, laid-back game of roughly 600 with 4-5 in 3-4 GAMES.