I am a new player, and I've bought a Final Shape expansion when Episode 2 came out. I am able to play the current episode 2 ONSLAUGHT.
But I am unable to play ARENA: BREACH EXECUTABLE from Episode 1, it tells me that I need to own Destiny 2: Episode 1, even tho I do.
Is this a normal thing, that if I am "late" when I bought the Final Shape expansion and Episode 1 was not the main thing then, that I can't play content that is still up and running for the other people that have the same DLC as I do, or is this a bug?
Hey there, what did you buy exactly? If you bought the Standard edition of The Final Shape, it only comes with one season pass, which would have been applied to Episode: Revenant. Only the Final Shape Annual Pass edition would have given you a pass for Echoes too.
did you fix it by any chance? I'm still trying to:/