With the launch of Episode: Revenant, there was a change made to ignitions that significantly nerfs their effectiveness when proc'd repeatedly. This nerf/bug makes ignitions done shortly after another ignition do 40% of the damage of the previous ignition. This reduction in damage stacks until the 5th consecutive ignition, which does 2.5% of the damage of the first ignition. The reduction seems to work on an internal cooldown, where the player who causes the ignitions is put on a hidden timer. If they cause an ignition before this timer is fully waited out, they are affected by the damage reduction. I was curious if this is an intended change that went unmentioned in the patch notes, or if it's a bug.
The video showcases the nerf/bug on Titan using Consecration and on Warlock using Song of Flame.
Not sure when bungie will fix this but it is quite annoying and nullifies all my main builds. I was wondering why contest was so hard for no reason, then I tried to solo the dungeon and saw I was doing 800 damage on ignitions and got super confused. Glad this post is here.
Edited by ThermiteBlaze: 10/19/2024 11:17:21 PMI wondered why Dragon's Breath did jack squat on Vesper's contest. So much for "build/loadout variety." At least be TRANSPARENT about these things Bungie. What's even the point of the TWAB then? Or did you all fire everyone already?
Yeah this makes song of flame, dragons breath, and many other abilities/guns useless and not worth using anymore. I hope this is just a bug because it's horrible!
Even if this is intended, it should be immediately reverted as this kills so many builds in the game. Thanks for pointing this out.
Hopefully its not a stealth nerf, cos consecration is so good right now.
This explains why I'm feeling my solar builds are so weak now. I thought was the lack of any synergy with the artifact.
I thought dragon's breath/song of flame felt significantly weaker. I thought at first it was because of the new season resetting my light level. Wow this is so Bungie. F**k you too, Bungie. Everything you're doing to this game is killing what's left of your players. Take a note from the helldivers' dev and start un-nerfing things that never needed to be nerfed, like alh/recon. What do you have against fun?
It would be at least understandable if this was in the notes. Please publicly state this with actual numbers and potentially buff/tweak things affected by it as things like song of flame, consecration would be heavily affected! Additionally if this remains in the game please put a cooldown timer somewhere in the UI so players can track and play accordingly to the information. Thank you