Was running Vesper's Host on Normal to complete the quest Rogue Network. Reached step 6 (collect 3 more logs). Backtracked (from 1st security clearance chest in Maze) to location of first puzzle (Heart room in First encounter) and found no numbered panels anywhere in the room.
Wiped and respawned, no progress; left the instance and reset checkpoint, still no change when getting to the correct area.
Context: After doing the very first puzzle in this quest chain (step 4), a collection of number panels did spawn in the front of the room (identified as part of the Catalyst puzzle.) It was completed and an Ascendant Alloy was given. That run was then continued until the completion of step 5, opening the security clearance chest #1-- the backtracking happened from there. Had also experienced issue where chest would only be opened by one fireteam member at a time, blocking progress for the other two fireteam members at the same step. Worked around by wiping, then having the second fireteam member open (successfully), wiping one more time, then the 3rd member opening the chest (which is where we got to step 6, the beginning of this post.)
One fireteam member stated that they were previously in a run in which the fireteam leader was doing the Catalyst puzzles, but they themselves did not yet complete the Rogue Network quest.
does anyone know if this is fixed. i'm having this issue as well
I don’t think this been rectified yet? I have tried these steps to get message 4 and was unsuccessful.
Adding a comment to say that I am having the same problem and am stuck on step 6. The numbered panels are not spawning for me in the room with the 4th message, so I cannot progress the quest.
Also hard stuck on 1st message for Step 6. I have the other 2 though so just waiting for patch. Cant get the catalyst for Icebreaker. Also couldn't do it on Master either...
Had this issue except only one of the fireteam members forgot to claim the 6th message, and the panels and augment terminals aren't reappearing. We wiped with them, they relaunched alone, no panels either time. He's stuck on step 6 because of this.
I’m having the same exact issue! Hopefully Bungie notices and makes a fix…