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Clan Recruitment

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10/9/2024 3:17:48 PM

Titan Carry Company, LLC

A safe place for all walks of life. We are looking to create a fun/safe gaming environment for us all, be it New Lights or a Seasoned Veteran. We enjoy the story and the grind. If you have your heart set on a Title, we will help you get there. Do you have a desire to help those blueberries reach the end goal out in the wild? Enjoy teaching someone how to complete high end PVE or make it to to the Lighthouse in PVP? Maybe you've always wondered about Grandmaster Nigthfalls and that Conqueror Title or even dreamed of learning the ways of the Dredgen in Gambit? Titan Carry Company, LLC is dedicated to making sure everyone gets to the finish line. Let's have some fun along the way, Guardians!! [b]Our Qualifications:[/b] - Level-headed with making sure we can get you the clear - Decisive in the heat of the moment - Leading with teaching and knowledge as our end goals for everyone involved - Multiple Sherpas - Backpacks with all the trimmings [b]Requirements:[/b] - Willingness to learn - Can do attitudes - Have fun - 18+ - Discord Contact [b]Wooten23Live [/b] on [b]Xbox[/b], on [b]Bungie [/b] at [b]Wooten (Heavy) #4108[/b] or [b]legendbeard [/b] on [b]Discord[/b] [b]Disclaimer:[/b] [i]We welcome and strongly encourage all classes, loadouts, and exotic preferences![/i]

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