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Clan Recruitment

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10/1/2024 6:30:28 PM

Titan Carry Company, LLC wants you!

[b]Titan Carry Company, LLC[/b] is looking for [b]18+[/b], [b]Diverse[/b], and [b]Inclusive[/b] Guardians to join our ranks! We are focused on assisting blueberries in the community with getting clears on Activities they don't normally get to because they don't have a dedicated group or have had bad experiences! [b]Clan Requirements:[/b] - Be 18+ - Be respectful to all Players, not just Team Members - Do not use derogatory comments, hate speech, or harassment - Be a force of good in the community, we're here to help Guardians get the clear - Be willing to run Dungeons and/or Raids with Current Leadership for vibe checks - Have fun! [b]Interested in Joining?[/b] Contact [b]Wooten (Heavy) #4108[/b] on Bungie, [b]legendbeard [/b] on Discord, or [b]Wooten23Live[/b] on Xbox We also have positions for [b]Consultants [/b] if Clan Membership doesn't interest you!

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