I have been farming the entire week for an Attrition Orbs/ Kinetic Tremors Multimach CCX. I collected over 264 in that time and recorded the rolls. It appears as though some perk combinations are more common, while others are nearly unobtainable. For example,
48 with [b]under-over[/b], 27 (56%) were [b]frenzy [/b]or [b]target lock[/b], [i]none [/i]had [b]kill-clip[/b]
44 with [b]moving target[/b], 24 (54%) were [b]target lock[/b] or [b]tap the trigger[/b], [i]none [/i]had [b]iron-reach[/b]
49 with [b]rangefinder[/b], 25 (51%) were [b]kill clip[/b] or [b]kinetic tremors[/b], [i]none [/i] had [b]frenzy[/b]
46 with [b]iron-gaze[/b], 23 (50%) were [b]kill clip[/b] or [b]kinetic tremors[/b], [i]one[/i] had [b]target-lock[/b]
38 with [b]dynamic sway[/b], 19 (50%) were [b]iron reach[/b] or [b]kinetic tremors[/b], [i]one [/i]had [b]tap the trigger[/b]
39 with [b]attrition-orbs[/b], 22 (56%) were [b]target lock[/b] or [b]iron reach[/b], [i]none [/i]had [b]kinetic tremors[/b]
Here are the exact roll combination counts I received.
Und-ovr: Frenzy: 15| Target Lock: 12| Kinetic Tremors: 9| Tap the trigger: 6| Iron reach: 6| Kill clip: 0
Mv-targ: Frenzy: 4| Target Lock: 12| Kinetic Tremors: 11| Tap the trigger: 12| Iron reach: 0| Kill clip: 5
R-finder: Frenzy: 0| Target Lock: 8| Kinetic Tremors: 11| Tap the trigger: 7| Iron reach: 9| Kill clip: 14
In-Gaze: Frenzy: 8| Target Lock: 1| Kinetic Tremors: 10| Tap the trigger: 5| Iron reach: 9| Kill clip: 13
Dyn-Sy: Frenzy: 7| Target Lock: 3| Kinetic Tremors: 9| Tap the trigger: 1| Iron reach: 10| Kill clip: 8
Att-Orb: Frenzy: 4| Target Lock: 10| Kinetic Tremors: 0| Tap the trigger: 8| Iron reach: 11| Kill clip: 6
You might have noticed there are only four roll combinations I haven't received even a copy of. One of which happens to be the only one I care about. Has anyone else experienced or noticed weighted loot farming this week?
TLDR, cope
100% weighting. I had a similar thing while farming exotic class items. Kept track of every perk per drop + perk combos over a period of time. A handful of perks were [u]heavily[/u] favored over the others Plus so many duplicates (even double perk duplicates), zero chance Bungie is using actual RNG
Follow up, I realized I also NEVER saw attrition orbs/kinetic tremors a single time and I only focused multimachs over the past 2 weeks.
"Content" " replayability"
Edited by JA: 9/19/2024 5:27:19 PM10,000% bugged I’ve also handed in about 70 engrams for multi Mach this week and last and haven’t seen that roll either
Tip: wait until the end of the event is near. Bungie has always had a habit of releasing more weapons with the best rolls near the end. They did this back in D1 with IB. More recently they did it with the Fortunate Star bow during the Solstice event.
[quote]I have been farming the entire week for an Attrition Orbs/ Kinetic Tremors Multimach CCX. I collected over 264 in that time and recorded the rolls. It appears as though some perk combinations are more common, while others are nearly unobtainable. For example, 48 with [b]under-over[/b], 27 (56%) were [b]frenzy [/b]or [b]target lock[/b], [i]none [/i]had [b]kill-clip[/b] 44 with [b]moving target[/b], 24 (54%) were [b]target lock[/b] or [b]tap the trigger[/b], [i]none [/i]had [b]iron-reach[/b] 49 with [b]rangefinder[/b], 25 (51%) were [b]kill clip[/b] or [b]kinetic tremors[/b], [i]none [/i] had [b]frenzy[/b] 46 with [b]iron-gaze[/b], 23 (50%) were [b]kill clip[/b] or [b]kinetic tremors[/b], [i]one[/i] had [b]target-lock[/b] 38 with [b]dynamic sway[/b], 19 (50%) were [b]iron reach[/b] or [b]kinetic tremors[/b], [i]one [/i]had [b]tap the trigger[/b] 39 with [b]attrition-orbs[/b], 22 (56%) were [b]target lock[/b] or [b]iron reach[/b], [i]none [/i]had [b]kinetic tremors[/b] Here are the exact roll combination counts I received. Und-ovr: Frenzy: 15| Target Lock: 12| Kinetic Tremors: 9| Tap the trigger: 6| Iron reach: 6| Kill clip: 0 Mv-targ: Frenzy: 4| Target Lock: 12| Kinetic Tremors: 11| Tap the trigger: 12| Iron reach: 0| Kill clip: 5 R-finder: Frenzy: 0| Target Lock: 8| Kinetic Tremors: 11| Tap the trigger: 7| Iron reach: 9| Kill clip: 14 In-Gaze: Frenzy: 8| Target Lock: 1| Kinetic Tremors: 10| Tap the trigger: 5| Iron reach: 9| Kill clip: 13 Dyn-Sy: Frenzy: 7| Target Lock: 3| Kinetic Tremors: 9| Tap the trigger: 1| Iron reach: 10| Kill clip: 8 Att-Orb: Frenzy: 4| Target Lock: 10| Kinetic Tremors: 0| Tap the trigger: 8| Iron reach: 11| Kill clip: 6 You might have noticed there are only four roll combinations I haven't received even a copy of. One of which happens to be the only one I care about. Has anyone else experienced or noticed weighted loot farming this week? TLDR, cope[/quote] I've reset my regular crucible rank 17 times. Only ever focused better devils. Between all those engrams and the drops from after the game I've gotten 2 with the perk combo I wanted. Neither with the barrel or mag I wanted. And 1 with the masterwork. And almost none of them drop with 3 perks in a column. 17 resets and I'm lucky to 3 perks a column maybe once every 5-10 better devils. I've given up.
That sux I got extremely lucky a season or 2 ago, haven’t had to suffer through iron banner since, good luck it’s a really fun gun
Edited by The-IIID-Emp1r3: 9/18/2024 4:02:22 AMAnd this is the exact reason WHY everything should be craftable.. But no we can't because people like Datto say it has ruined the thrill of the chase because: ..he has a hard time getting people to raid because THEY have these guns crafted and don't care about the old content. This is who bungie caters to, people like that. Thank god they at LEAST made it so a good majority of new guns can be enhanced even if they ain't adept, whoever at bungie that championed that change needs a raise (IF they aren't a high top tier of the echelon earned already). However, there are certain old guns i simply don't understand not being enhancable, like there are some i just wish we could, like event (xmas, halloween etc) guns & other ones like the "seasonal ritual weapon" guns they'd make
To make you feel better my DSR/TTT Lodbrok-D took 900-1k engrams before I pulled that exact desired roll and was lucky it has range perks like hammer forged and ricochet rounds. Wished it was range MW but can't complain at this point. Now I'm suffering in Overthrow for a severance/contact class item :(
Every weapon perk distribution feels weighted lol. Bungie says it isn’t but the amount of trash perks you get when farming is real. I have done well over 700 runs on the first prophecy boss before it changed for judgement. Still no max range slide shot time payload. Farmed well over 500 master Templar clears…..still no max range killing wind eots. The system is rigged against you to keep you playing.
When this SMG was released new, I farmed this smg, had to reset IB 4 times then I got it. I dont even remember how many engrams it took but it was a double drop/exp week as far i remember. But this SMG is worth it, this is the best SMG in the entire game with AO/KT no other comes close. Good luck get asap u have 1 more week. Btw, try to decode engram when u have a big pile of them like 30-40 ish and just keep decoding don’t stop to look at the perks. This week I am trying to get a good Jorums claw roll but facing the same issue what u described. Check my hunter (AO+KT roll multimach)
I swear all the perks are weighed on way or another, especially on the onslaught weapons. That was awful to do. It single-handedly made me grateful for being able to craft most weapons. Sadly, bungie is quadruple downing on this in the near future to make people more miserable than we already are lol
Edited by eliteg: 9/17/2024 3:33:41 PMeliteg
FREELANCE or bust - 3/11/2025 1:57:13 AM
nice data tracking 👍..crazy to see it not drop from so many On the PVE side... I have gotten only 1 of the KT+Orbs but no idea how many engrams that took.. def not too many as at the time I wasn't searching for it and just kept it for testing (luckily > agree it is excellent) **Edit > Don't sleep on the KT/under-over..will also make CCX like a special for shielded.. hasn't dropped yet for me.. if you want orbs & can manage a kinetic orb siphon it will be fun (attrition + frenzy too) on the PVP side I think varies depending on style and what you're willing to test (and do poorly with) these are the 3 I have kept so far from a [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/264306399?sort=0&page=0]previous post[/url]: **Multimach CCX > IR + MT ...you have IR might as well go all into range (accur + hf + range mw) **Multimach CCX > TTT + DSR ...classic **Multimach CCX > TTT+ IG (lots of fun with 0 range fluted, flared, handling mw > get close) -
I commend your persistence, and salute your data tracking. Hope you get the roll you want, and that it’s worth it in the end.
All weapon perks are weighted in this game.
Edited by Kiro - 13: 9/18/2024 12:36:15 AMPerk weighting has sadly always been a thing. Armor stat weighting is a thing too, least we forget what happened to Duality artifice armor.
Are you certain this quest is worth the effort? If you got one with KT/Orbs, it would probably have zero range or zero stability.
The same can be said while trying to get a certain roll on weapons in Onslaught. I don't think it's worth the grind
I'm not suggesting you take a break, and go outside. I'm saying you absolutely NEED to go outside dude; this is a form of mental illness.
Bungie weights perks and It’s a day that ends in -day
RNG gonna RNG. I’ve sharded at least 6 of that combo all from natural drops.