So how would everyone react if they turn on friendly fire in patrol zones or just in general?. I personally think it'll be fun especially if we had a mini season centered around it 😅😅
In d1 maybe it would have been fun. In d2 with the thousands of explosions you can create. You can even makes different types of explosions from a single explosions (volatile + ignite as an example) People wouldnt be able to play at all lmao
How bout no.
Nah this isn’t gta online.
Go away pvp morons. It's not friendly fire, it's overland-pvp what you say. Friendly fire would be in a pvp mode...
Nope. That sounds like crucible and gambit. Go play those or they can add open space crucible/gambit and ppl can troll/kill each other there. Leave the patrol zones alone.
Stale game. - old
No! Terrible idea. -
You would never be able to use abilities around teammates.
It could be funny for about 30 mins, then nope
In the right activities it could be really stupid and really fun, but in others it'd probably be too annoying
Nah. Unless they kept it to only one planet or something.
There should have been a patrol area that was a “lawless” land. Completely PvPvE when you enter it. When you kill another person you get to loot a chunk of their glimmer. King of the hill style events where whoever comes out on the top gets a ton of weapons and armor.
Griefing new lights into uninstalling 💀
Edited by Illuminatis_fedl: 9/10/2024 2:33:57 AMPatrols turned in to the Wild West
I'd just start bombing every new player with eyes of tomorrow till they remove it.
Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 9/9/2024 10:58:30 PMIt would be cool to have pvp zones in patrol spaces, with a warning when you enter them
I've always wanted open world pvp zones like elder scrolls online or planetside. Destiny would benefit from this as the idea of 10 hunters or 10 warlock or 10 titan all casting supers at each other simultaneously in a huge all out battle would be awesome with vehicles and capture points across a huge open map. Bad -blam!- for sniping or conquest style gameplay. One day I hope to see this 🍻
Should be optional like the Haunted Leviathan. You can choose to load into it or not.
Broooo 😭 the new lights wouldn’t stand a chance
“Stop shooting me Francis” 😂 -To all my Left 4 Dead fans
Bad idea
Me and a friend had d1 bug out during a strike once, and it made it so I could damage them, but they couldn't damage me, so obviously you can guess what happened next.
Maybe not random patrol ppl but fireteam friendly fire could be funny
Ewww. No.
No thanks.