Hey Destiny community!
As a former Destiny 1 guardian, I'm excited to jump back into Destiny 2. With all the DLCs and seasons, I'm a bit overwhelmed. Can anyone explain which expansions are must-haves for enjoying the current content? Is there a season pass with everything or a recommended edition for returning players?
Additionally, I'd love some tips on what's changed since Destiny 1 and what I should focus on as a new player in Destiny 2.
A different game, you will be disappointed
Edited by Jet Set Willy: 9/11/2024 11:26:47 AMI think you’re looking at 1. Destiny 2: The Final Shape. Currently on sale at £28.13 for standard edition and £62.99 inc annual pass on psn. 2. Destiny 2: Legacy Collection 2024. This includes the content below. It’s currently on sale at £17.39 on psn. Lightfall Standard edition Witch Queen Standard edition Beyond Light pack Shadowkeep pack Forsaken pack 30th Anniversary pack Pit of Heresy dungeon Shattered throne dungeon Grasp of Avarice dungeon Note: Dungeon keys for Lightfall and Witch Queen are NOT included. There are in game purchases with silver.
In my opinion witch queen, final shape, forsaken pack, 30th anniversary pack, all dungeon keys are the only good ones
Honestly the best expansions to buy aren’t expansions, it’s the dungeon keys (especially the lightfall dungeon key) dungeons are the fastest way to level up you light, my titan went from 1945 to 1957 in one run of a dungeon, granted those two dungeons are extremely challenging for greenies but the loot is worth it, also buying final shape and lightfall are also really useful, currently bu gir has made beyond light free so acquiring stasis is now free
Best main DLC’s Witch Queen Final Shape Dungeon Keys The 25th anniversary The one that gives you Ghosts of the deep and Warlords Ruin In my opinion those are the best content packs and sadly I don’t think there is one to get all of them. Of the others are reduced at certain point they are worth picking up.
I cannot recommend joining the game in this current state, if you've been out of it for 7 or so years it will very likely be a drastic change from the original. There are videos online explaining all that has happened if you truly want to get back into it however. The main DLCs with subclasses are Beyond Light for Stasis, Lightfall for Strand, and The Final Shape for Prismatic which doesn't require the other two for their version of the two Darkness subclasses. Note that the current standard edition of The Final Shape does come with a Season Pass for the current "Episode" but that ends in 4 weeks.
Still plays like a Noob. - old
Get the DLCs on sale - things like Beyond Light and Forsaken are often ludicrously cheap - and play them in order of release. At least that's how I did it and I've enjoyed everything up to the Lightfall campaign so far. -
[quote]Hey Destiny community! As a former Destiny 1 guardian, I'm excited to jump back into Destiny 2. With all the DLCs and seasons, I'm a bit overwhelmed. Can anyone explain which expansions are must-haves for enjoying the current content? Is there a season pass with everything or a recommended edition for returning players? Additionally, I'd love some tips on what's changed since Destiny 1 and what I should focus on as a new player in Destiny 2.[/quote] Dont
Ya it’s going to be a lot dude. Probably close to $200
wait for it to go on sale don't waste your money. the game is still being nerfed and has time consuming chores.
I honestly wouldn't waste your money. But if you really want to, buy all the dlcs. That way the entire game is open to you.
[quote]Hey Destiny community! As a former Destiny 1 guardian, I'm excited to jump back into Destiny 2. With all the DLCs and seasons, I'm a bit overwhelmed. Can anyone explain which expansions are must-haves for enjoying the current content? Is there a season pass with everything or a recommended edition for returning players? Additionally, I'd love some tips on what's changed since Destiny 1 and what I should focus on as a new player in Destiny 2.[/quote] If you want as much story as possible, pick up the bundle with all older major expansions. This also often goes on sale, so wait for that if you want to save some money. Play through that and then get the newest expansion. When buying the new expansion, buying the most expensive version will net you all of the content for this year, which includes the dlc, all three episodes and the dungeons. If you do not care about having everything, I recommend skipping shadowkeep and beyond light, since the best stuff from them is basically free. Get WQ for a good story. Get Lightfall for Strand. And then get the newest expansion for story and prismatic.
(What to buy) A subscription to a good therapist.
If you need someone to play with, you can add me~
The Bundle. Bore outlined solid suggestions for you.. Enjoy the game man.
I would hold off on buying the expansions. The game is not in a good place right now and might not last past marathon coming out in ‘25. Thats alot of money to put into a maybe. If you are hella bent on spending money what i bought when i started a while back was lightfall it was current but now get it for strand. I think it was beyond light has the stasis subclass, The 30th anniversary had cool stuff just can’t remember what. Finally witch queen has crafting so thats pretty important. Oh if you don’t have the final shape, it has prismatic. Bungie may have unlocked some of the sub classes so check and see if you can get them without buying first. Look for bundles or sales on steam if you play pc. Also they have a announcement on monday about the games future so maybe wait for that.