I am planning to hold two [b]workshops [/b]for newer players to go over resources that can help them transition from the early game to mid and end-game. The workshops will be on Discord. The same content in both sessions; just at two different times to make it work for more guardians. Message me if you are interested to attend.
Session 1: Thursday, August 15, 2024 6:00 PM Pacific (1 AM GMT on Friday)
Session 2: Friday, August 16, 2024 10:00 AM Pacific (5 PM GMT)
Edited by MNN8TV: 8/14/2024 9:19:04 PMPretty sweet idea. You seem like the kinda guy I’d love to game with! I teach people stuff as well. But the funniest time was with a friend who is just not good at the game. Like if there were 3 of her in a regular strike but it had the extinguish modifier, I’m not sure she would complete it 😅 I was doing a heroic story mission with her and helping her to improve based on what I saw. We went into an encounter that had a bunch of enemies and a hive guardian. We killed all the little guys and it was just the hive guardian. She kept getting killed by the blade barrage and then I’d just go in and revive her and say “go again. You got it 😂” she hated that so much but eventually started using cover and killed the hive guardian on her own! Then we started celebrating and junk. Meanwhile i knew she hadn’t crushed the ghost 😂😂😂 omg the way she reacted was priceless when it revived with full health. Core destiny memory.
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Welcome to my Ted Talk type beat
Sigma move
Props for your efforts guardian. I also help where I can on my travels as recently I pointed a few randoms to pick up Failsafe's latest sample during the battleground which was easily overlooked. The emotes of appreciation were heartwarming. Just last night in Bonfire Bash, after having a chuckle it was good to convince a guardian that the orbs were not for beating up or throwing at the mobs. :) Keep up the good work.
Bump for visibility
Props for the idea and teaching
Stale game. - old
Nice! -
Bump for visibility 😁🍻
Great work buddy I think this is awesome I sometimes forget how completely complex this game is especially when you haven’t played for 10 years cheers 🍻 and take my upvote
Kudos for your willingness to help out others in the community.
Good on you for offering to help out like this. 🫡