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8/4/2024 12:21:13 AM

I fully understand the need for Prismatic Hunter

to receive a series of nerfs. The clones, smoke, and swarm nades have made an uncomfortable environment in Crucible. [b]With that said[/b], can a Titan please explain to me why they feel Prismatic Titan needs a buff at the same time Hunters are receiving their necessary nerfs? I understand their kit is seemingly limited to the one PvP or PvE options but it seems exceptionally powerful, so what is lacking?

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  • It’s insane to me that people complain about hunter’s abilities like yeah for sure they’re super annoying but TITAN? THEY GOT THAT SPEAR AND A SUSPENDING DODGE THAT TRACKS THE TARGETS

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    • I think titans are already strong just since they have access to barricades

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      • Prismatic titans don’t need a buff, they need a rework for chosen fragments/aspects All our grenades take forever and suck Without Into the Fray the Berserker melees take forever to charge clunky feedback loops when spawning tangles AND Diamond Lances.

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        • 3 minute base cooldowns, no synergy with aspects, aspects and exotic perks don't work with thruster, doesn't offer anything over original subclass. Same melee ability spam that we had before, but on longer cooldown and no synergy. Prismatic titan highlights the fact that titans have to build absolutely everything into 1 single ability just to achieve a fraction of what hunters can. They're the definition of 1 trick pony. Which has been nerfed a dozen times since witch queen. And not given any other playstyle but punch But don't punch to hard please so we're gonna make sure you can't. While hunters have multiple infinitely refreshable abilities. But throwing hammer and banner we're to strong. Yet hunter has a 1.6 million damage melee in 1 punch. Please tell me how titans don't need major, majo, major buffs

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          • I don’t think prismatic titan needs a buff in pvp at all nor have I seen folks asking for it. I don’t personally use it in pvp either. From what I’ve seen, it’s a pve only buff requested. I generally understand it because titans are a one-trick pony and most of the exotic class item traits revolve around using a barricade. Though, prismatic has completely replaced my other subclass builds since, in all honesty, titan has unfortunately always been a one trick pony in pve and prismatic simply does it better.

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            • Edited by BaelorVII: 8/5/2024 7:19:33 PM
              Edit TLDR: I don't think prismatic titans need major buffs in pvp. But hunter need substantial nerfs, not these two little tickles. Their cooldowns need to get higher for sure. And considering they can negate cooldowns with tablets dodge, it should be implemented, when gabler's is equipped the melee cool down get 1.5 cooldown increase besides overall cooldown increase for all abilities. Then they should lose radar, if they equip anything radar manipulating. I often read answers, don't rely on radar, if clones are to strong. So take their radar aswell, if they state on multiple occasions, that they don't need it. Also kill the wall hacks hunters get (knuckle head, stylish, spectral, kepris) or rebuff OEM and the warlock exo chest to give wall hacks also again. After the multiple nerfs to void, arc and barricades, prismatic Titan is overall in a good spot, but their cooldowns are abysmally long in comparison. Thundercrash should at least be buffed to tier 3 and the knockout nerf should be reverted. If you are talking ice lances, for them you need to defeat debuffed targets and pick the lance up where the enemy died. Then you have a cool down for ice lances as well besides the longer cool downs in general. If you still complain about titans when they are at 18% usage while Warlocks are 1.5 as high and hunters 3x !!!, ai really don't get your point. Plus even if prismatic Titan is usable, it is always the same with titans, they get one build to play with, while the rest scrambles in ashes, while even the less used Hunter (arc iirc) is more efficient than titans as a whole in their given Playstyle. They simply need to undue many of the nerfs they did on titans last years. Every patch in the last two years covered another Titan nerf. Their only efficient Playstyle is easily avoided and over nerfed time and time again (latest addition see the multiple nerfs to knockout). All while hunters even see rebuffs to abilities and exotics or are giving the best Titan pvp super (thunder crash, which was nerfed multiple times too often) but with lower cool down and 3x the effect. That said the announced nerfs for hunter are only tickles, the most problematic thing is the low cooldown on everything while being able to negate cooldowns with gamblers dodge besides that the sheer amount of stuff some Hunter abilities do is insane.

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              Easiest way to fix prismatic is revert all the cooldowns to their normal original times. 2:30 for a single melee charge is ridiculous. Extended cooldowns are stupid

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            • There ain't nothing "lacking" with it. . People just wanna complain about Hunters being "op" coz their class ain't. Once Hunters get the hammer it'll be the same all over again but with another class. People just like to hear themselves whine.

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                Azura, Pronouns Haver
                Azura, Pronouns Haver

                Sorceress of Crustania - old

                Prismatic Titan just lacks excitement. I don’t want buffs, I want some different stuff. Like I’d take cryoclasm over diamond lance, or sol invictus over consecration. I just feels that being locked to one configuration is kinda boring sometimes, and it leads to prismatic titan felling a little bit stale sometimes. It’s not bad, it’s just uninteresting.

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                • Edited by skibidtybop: 8/5/2024 2:27:23 AM
                  Look at how Prismatic Titan was advertised and you'll see the only good thing they had to show off was the triple Consecration spam lol. When they were bragging about how Liminality was the "most difficult strike ever", they didn't even have a Titan in their fireteam LMAO. That tells you everything you need to know about Prismatic Titan. It is a one-trick pony in the form of Consecration spam. Very little of its kit has synergy with itself while Warlocks and Hunters have many viable, insanely effective builds. I don't want either Warlock or Hunters to be nerfed in PvE whatsoever, but both are clearly OP, oppressive, and majorly crutch in PvP and substantial nerfs are overdue for Prismatic Hunter and cheesy BS like the Warlock's triple arc slide melee crutch. It's honestly insane how quickly Shadebinder was nerfed, but when it's Hunters unquestionably dominating PvP at over 55% of the player population, Bungie slow-walks it and pretends it's not a problem.

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                  • Hopefully prismatic hunter gets more nerfs down the line

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                  • Because that's the first set of nerfs Hunters have had in a long long time. Titan prasmatic is a mess, given a worst set of supers and the lack of variety doesn't work in post final shape. Bungie decided from day 1 that titans where going to be "the melee class" which lazy design and attention, non of the others are stuck in this 1 trick pony. Titans have had so many nerfs it was beginning to be titan nerfs and hotfixes went hand in hand. Titans right now have been the weakest for over a year and now variety doest match up makes titans obsolete. Titans needs 1 or 2 buffs but mostly needs a shutdown super like nova bomb or blade barrage and a few extra abilities to pull away from that melee only class, it just doesn't work anymore, tormentors, bosses not on the ground etc. Hunters nerfs won't be anything, they never are, few weeks later they will be back to spamming as usual and there 1 shot build

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                  • Edited by SirEman80: 8/4/2024 10:14:51 PM
                    I actually think that Prismatic Titan is balanced well [u]during Transcendence[/u]… even better than Hunter and Warlock which are too hot neutrally but lackluster during Transendence… but lacks neutrally. You are punished super hard for missing an ability kill by long cooldowns on Titan thats not present on the other two classes. Titans require a hardline build focus and have a less forgiving gameplay loop. As a Titan main though… I’ve basically come to the conclusion that it’s never been about strength (though relative strength compared to hunter and warlock is important to monitor… because that’s the pain point currently) but [b]CREATIVITY and VARIETY[/b] being so lackluster has had a cumulative effect of stagnation around the class and the current sentiment. Prismatic strongest Titan build is basically the same play loop as solar (without the bonuses of solar)… coming on the heels of a long season with a solar focus. Consecration is great… but the other slide melees are lackluster damage and visible utility wise. And the lack of creativity rears its head again. All the Titan abilities are color coded copies of each other… and are encouraging a playstyle in close range that is highly discouraged in endgame content through mechanics and a lack of sustainability outside of solar. Touch of Thunder (an attempt at build diversity through grenades) got destroyed by nerfs so it doesn’t feel effective. Banner of War, the “best Strand aspect” has zero to do with Strand… You get the idea.

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                    2 Replies
                    • [quote]to receive a series of nerfs. The clones, smoke, and swarm nades have made an uncomfortable environment in Crucible. [b]With that said[/b], can a Titan please explain to me why they feel Prismatic Titan needs a buff at the same time Hunters are receiving their necessary nerfs? I understand their kit is seemingly limited to the one PvP or PvE options but it seems exceptionally powerful, so what is lacking?[/quote] Downvoted because the nerfs aren’t necessary

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                      14 Replies
                      • For pve they have extremely powerful build with consecration; the new void aspect lacks kit synergy and could use a buff imo. New rocket chest with the incoming super damage increase will give them a very competitive ranged boss dps kit so that’s a nice buff as well. I won’t comment on pvp as I main lock and hunter there.

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                        • Edited by A_mo: 8/4/2024 10:25:43 PM
                          Prismatic Hunter Trials has been pretty interesting. Not the biggest trials player in the world but seeing as how I usually use solar in that mode its been refreshing to actually have abilities. The clones and the radar can get ridiculous and I can see how people might get tired of that after a while. Sometimes I think enemy traps should just be a dot on the radar. Especially since the clones made me lose a match that I definitely should have won and sent me into endless matchmaking purgatory. Game was laughing at me and saying "now try to say that wasn't all your fault."

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