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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Aranax: 7/30/2024 6:11:35 AM

We do NOT need a D3

Lets all go back to why we moved from d1 in the first place. It was because of technical limitations with the graphics engine and the limited fps not accomodating the advancing technology. THE CURRENT D2 DOES NOT HAVE THIS PROBLEM. I understand people want new content but rather than pushing for a restart we should just push for more drastic gameplay changes and innovative content. Hell i've always thought the "2" after "Destiny" was a curse because everyone is indirectly being told that this game is one in a series when in reality Destiny runs as an MMO. No MMO goes into a full reset every 5-10 years forcing everyone to obtain everything they worked on AGAIN, they just consistently make changes and make drastic innovative ones when necessary to keep things fresh for their playerbase. Keep adding planets, stop removing old ones make the map larger to accomodate, completely rework the class/subclass systems do whatever is necessary and put it behind an expansion. Many games have survived this way and im sure you can name quite a few of them. We need to, rather than push for a reset which is a lazy uninspired way to fix a problem, push the devs to make more drastic balancing changes and more extreme narrative changes along with it. We do NOT need a d3 to do this. Just think of the changes announce them and put them behind an expansion or DLC like we always have but this time make crazy changes like forsaken, taken king, final shape, consistently with reasonable deadlines to keep your players engaged and have them look forward to something. While your at it change the title of Destiny 2 to Destiny: *insert current dlc here* like all other MMOs do. It might seem like a small thing but new players get confused by that. The only games that have a number next to them are usually single player ones and even then that naming convention is dying off. Edit: not to mention theres legit so much lore cooked into destiny this game has NO shortage of directions to go.

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  • Edited by viiTactiiCZz: 7/30/2024 7:01:57 AM
    Something substantial need to happen engine wise, we're still having issues based on technical debt from early Destiny 2 and in parts Destiny 1. Still holding onto the unlikely thought that at some point they'll put together a QOL team whos sole job is to go through things and try to clean up the decade+ worth of technical debt/spaghetti code so we can hopefully stop running into previously patched issues reoccurring on a yearly basis [quote]Hell i've always thought the "2" after "Destiny" was a curse because everyone is indirectly being told that this game is one in a series when in reality Destiny runs as an MMO.[/quote] The intention was for it to be a series with 3+ games, they changed that idea prior to Beyond Light sometime during the Activision split

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