Okay not ALL armor but...good lord:
Oven mitten gloves
Cereal box thin helmets
Low resolution Parade armor textures. I take this one personal
Wack friendship bracelets cutting off circulation in our left arms
Puff Robes that don't even flow downward correctly due to clipping
Leg armor that clips through robes
Incomplete leg armor parts and textures because you think we'll never see them...
And we do as soon as we try to rock the rare few non robe options with our toothpick legs and absolutely no glutes. Bakery closed since our revival.
All the glowy sets like Celestial, seem like eye candy but when you see your Guardian next to characters while dressed like that it's just goofy af
This is how I wanna look. Found this while looking through old D1 armor https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyFashion/comments/10kpwvt/warlock_wit_no_brim_rimed_hoodnothing/
Warlock class items should be huge robe collars instead of bonds
Warlocks look the best
You aint joking. Salvation's Edge lock armor looks especially wack.
Nah, you gonna take that ugly dress and like it. At least you don’t have refrigerators for gauntlets like the Titans. Whoever makes/designs armor in this game are NOT good at their job. AT ALL. They NEED to be moved to another department. Might I suggest janitorial. Because MOST of this armor is CRAP.
Edited by Lich: 7/30/2024 5:57:34 AMIt still baffled me. Warlocks lose their shoulder pieces with gauntlets, but hunters can keep their hoods with their capes.
Hunter here. Hook warlocks and Titans up with cooler looking gear. No reason they can't have hoods and capes and different variations for armor and the like.
Where can I get the oven mit gloves I want to use them with the wide helmet
Gross, no thanks. I have no need to see cheeks and b00.bs hanging out or people wearing maid outfits, etc. I see enough of that in real life anyway. But then the next question after you get them MA like skins will be why can't male chars wear maid outfits? Why can't we hide pieces? Why just helms in social areas? Then, next, why have genders at all? And so on and so on... First Decendants has that crap too and it's a big turn-off. So does other crap MMOs... please leave this one alone. It's amazing how there are so many issues or bugs in the game, and people still worry about fashion and trying to be as x rated as possible.
What's even funnier..... They have the NERVE to try and sell you a warlock bond ornament for $6! For a warlock "bond". Make it make sense?
Edited by ABADDON_WOLFFE: 7/30/2024 6:22:58 AMNot to mention the ropes everywhere! Every piece of chest armor has ropes ,why?! And for the love of the traveler GET RID OF THE LOINCLOTH please.
Its good to have some wild pieces now and then but when it is the while set it gets pretty insane. I am still upset about the Arc themed armor being drastically different than the Void and Solar ones though. Personally I have a handful of styles I stick to, but the exotic usually dictates the main look of the style. If it is a particularly hideous one like Cenotaph or Verity's Brow there isn't a whole lot that can be done to be honest and you tend to do what you can to make something to flow with it. Would be nice to have more to work with as far as Exotic ornaments go, but there is a reasonable amount of regular armor to go around already.
Giga chin helmet was a clear design flaw
I think my biggest gripe with Warlock fashion is the menu pose. It's so toothless compared to the D1 pose, and can really suck the badass out of whatever you're wearing
Warlock armor is either awful or brilliant. We have some of the best looking exotics overall and few that are so ugly I refuse to use them lol.
Edited by STARKILLER2258: 7/29/2024 7:23:10 PMI feel your pain. I'm a hunter main, but I love using the warlock too. Every once in a while I'll look at the armors and helmets in my inventory and nothing really..sigh...looks good. Some is ok, but a lot is like meh. I managed to squeak out a decent look by using the streetscholar ornament on the robes and legs, and the hexwrought ornamant on the helmet, only because it was one of the least goofy and didn't look like your head got smashed between two '55 chevy hub caps. I topped it off with the Valkerie Zero shader. Its kinda cool, almost like a street thuggish looking warlock, or maybe an assassin warlock. The robe looks pretty good. I'm using the exotic getaway artist gauntlets and everything flowed pretty good with them. Now, what to do with the titan...
[quote]Wack friendship bracelets cutting off circulation in our left arms[/quote] Could be worse could be a titan mark
Honestly, I just make a warlock waifu and I call myself a lucky man. But I do agree, some armor comes out as looking good while others just...are meh The friendship bracelet is synonymous with it being good since you can't see it. The exotic class item looks better than the other 2, because you can't see it for the most part I liked the old destiny 1 armor designs as well. Some looked absolutely good
While I do agree with you about having to suffer with oven mitt gloves and toothpick legs fitted with some generic looking boots, I don't agree with your D1 drip you found. Like tf is that?!
So..............you want to look kind of like a Hunter?
Effing Yesss! It really really suck that warlocks don't have more short jackets to choose from. I have never ever seen a cool looking gaming character chasing monsters in a dressing-gown, especially, - A FEMALE ONE! There is absolutely ZERO female FASHION in this game. 😾 How hard can it be 2024 to admit there are non male gamers and show some respect. All my female characters are running around with MALE legs... Let some fashion interested artists create a female body type and nice armour to pick from. I'm getting embarrassed using my female hunter. It's impossible for me to create a nice and cool style for my main Lock as it is off now. Do better Bungie!
Use the NPA “Weir-Walker” Robes—the closest you’ll get to no robes at all. I think the Chromacloak robes this season are cool. I think a lot are cool, though I agree on the helmets. I find it pretty hard to find a nice looking helmet sometimes—just look at the base Seasonal helmet!!
You're talking to the community that all wanted to dress like dinosaurs - don't expect much in the way of sympathy from them...
You shouldn't feel silly wearing glowing sets , we are the most powerful guardian alive, our light and darkness is so strong it comes through our armor
The worst change from D1 in D2 is that chest armour determines the upper arm, in D1 the gauntlets were for the whole arm and not just the forearm. It leads to stupid-looking disconnects where the upper arm is twice the thickness of the forearm and it abruptly goes from one to the other. Unfortunately, it's way too late to change that now.
I like this Episode’s warlock armor. I got tricked into unlocking the ritual armors.As pieces they looked good,when I applied all the ornaments they’re pretty bad.
[quote]We hear you and we'll be adding goofy vampire armour next season[/quote] -Bungie