The changes to quitter penalties today are pretty great, and very fair I think.
BUT…how is there not even a mention of doing something for the players that actually get screwed when a teammate leaves??
If one player quits in comp or trials, you’re pretty much done. Something has to change.
For Comp I’d say you don’t lose any rank points if a teammate leaves, and the winning team gets like half the points they would normally get.
For trials, the low man team should get a free mercy.
I’d love to hear more suggestions, but SOMETHING has to be done.
A free mercy for a team member leaving , that won't be abused at all
If Bungie could balance a lobby like the old days, there wouldn’t be nearly as many to quit. They cannot.
Does Bungie consult with clinical psychologists anymore? I can’t imagine, a psychologist reviewed these changes and signed off.
The quitting penalty does not fix the issue on either side. The ability to reset the quitting penalty will be a problem. The problem players will continue quitting but reduce it just enough to be below the max threshold. That or stop playing long enough to reset. Comp and Trials quitting should be treated differently. Especially since adding players late will never fix the match. Incentivize staying through lopsided matches. Especially players who get a loss due to players quitting.
Well the goal is obviously that as they get kicked out longer and longer, players who stick around will have to deal less and less, until they're a non issue. Hopefully that works out.
Azura, Pronouns Haver
Sorceress of Crustania - old
A free mercy, but not any substantial loot. Otherwise I think this is good. -
I get it, but you could literally farm trials with a team of three, having one person just quit if things take a turn for the worse.