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7/19/2024 2:32:08 PM

Explosive Light! old

New Acts should refresh transmog bounties!

Ten bounties an Episode doesn't cut it when there are 10-15 armor pieces added each Episode, with many more from previous seasons and expansions that I'd like to use!

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  • New acts should not refresh transmog bounty caps. Instead, the transmog bounty cap for episodes should be tripled; you get the same amount overall, but people can pursue them at their own pace for the duration of the episode.

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  • Edited by xbroggiex: 7/21/2024 1:28:47 PM
    They should remove the transmog limit and allow transmogrification over exotic items with legendary ornaments. I have stopped engaging with the system entirely since like Witch Queen, because why would I use this blatantly shitty system that has hard caps on how many mog tokens I can have while also limiting the amount of tokens I can earn?

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  • Or just remove transmog limit, no point in having a limit for that

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    1 Reply
    • Or just get rid of the whole transmog system and make it intrinsic once you unlock it. Also if the system stays, why not add a transmog armor set in the later acts?

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      5 Replies
      • Have you visited Everworse lately?

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      • SILVERVERSE Inc. disagrees as it will affect our Sales number for the Synths we sell. Pardon our Dust and Kick Rocks I have to pay for my mortgage !! Thank you once more for buying Pixels ! I’m sure your online friends will think you are really really cool with that Helmet ! And if you wear the whole set a real woman will let you touch her BaH😂😂Bies ! Disclaimer: No real woman cares about your Transmog and will never let you fondle her in any way because of it.

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      • I really need to stop blowing my synthweave experimenting on looks that never pan out well 🤧

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        • Whats the point in limiting these in the first place?

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          • [quote]Ten bounties an Episode doesn't cut it when there are 10-15 armor pieces added each Episode, with many more from previous seasons and expansions that I'd like to use![/quote] They will be refreshed next season so idk what your point is new acts release new weapons not new armor

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            39 Replies
            • I breezed thru most of the during Iron Banners first week.Probably the only time I’ve maxed out the bounties. I thought I’d like the new ritual armors but after unlocking them,not really lol.

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