Like, what the hell is wrong with those people? Do they think they are superman, invincible to defeat?
No wonder Gambit sucks in experience sometimes with those people around.
I can already hear Lord Shaxx facepalming, despite overseeing an entirely different game mode.
Sometimes, I just assume those people are trying to lose as quickly as possible just so we have a shorter match.
[quote]Like, what the hell is wrong with those people? Do they think they are superman, invincible to defeat? No wonder Gambit sucks in experience sometimes with those people around. I can already hear Lord Shaxx facepalming, despite overseeing an entirely different game mode.[/quote] They’re playing gambit. If they were in a thinking mood, they wouldn’t be playing gambit.
I imagine many ppl just don’t care, it’s gambit after all. Forcing ppl to play gambit to do pathfinder just fills gambit up with ppl who would rather not be playing that game mode.
9/10 it's just people that are only in there because of pathfinder and would actually rather be doing ANYTHING else.
[quote]Like, what the hell is wrong with those people? Do they think they are superman, invincible to defeat? No wonder Gambit sucks in experience sometimes with those people around. I can already hear Lord Shaxx facepalming, despite overseeing an entirely different game mode.[/quote] I'm more surprised that people even still play Gambit.
Tbh, I'm amazed that people still play Gambit.
Stop taking gambit seriously. Even bungo doesn't take it seriously lol
The mode is called gambit, if anything invasions should cost 10 motes
I mean... people still refuse to bank unless they have 15. Wether that's a challenge or wayfinder issue idc. Mode is literally ruined by all sorts of issues.
Still plays like a Noob. - old
Maybe they figure that everyone else is carrying enough motes that their's aren't needed in that moment? Or they are worried someone else will swoop in and -blam!- their window to invade in their brief stop to deposit? Whatever the reason, I am sure that in the moment they have their reason even if it wouldn't make sense to us mere mortals. -
The only motes I lose in invasion are ones I stole, but i stole them fair and square, so it's no fair that they killed me and stole them from me. Heathens the lot of em, mannerless gambit mains.
Heyyy, sometimes you can get motes off the other team. I wouldn’t recommend it but I was able to bank a large blocker on with em 😁
They live life a quarter mile at a time
What makes it even more funny: they run right pass the bank to invade, so the bank being out of the way isn't an excuse lol.
You can almost hear them saying "I've got this!" sometimes.