I watches the stream bungie had for 30-45 min, but i dont get the emblem reward as a drop. I have tried to unlink and link multiple times and log out and in. It’s not in my collection and not on the reward page. I watched it on my pc and my phone, but it wont give the emblem reward
Did you claim it on Twitch via the Twitch drops? https://www.twitch.tv/inventory. If it's not showing there, contact Twitch for support. Twitch are responsible for their website features and any problems which arise. If you did claim it on Twitch Drops, go to this link below and click the 'Refresh' button found under 'Partner Rewards'. After doing this, log into Destiny 2 and check flair - emblems - general. Note that if you were already logged in, you will need to log out and then back in. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Codes/Partners