Special crutches: EVERYWHERE
Ability crutches: EVERYWHERE
I loaded into three Iron Banner matches in a row where my team was already in the countdown for a mercy rule loss lmao. Your MM is dogsh*t, a complete and utter joke, and your lobby balancing system is top-tier garbage. So far the alleged "PvP strike team" is yet another major L once again.
Edited by KingofFluff: 7/7/2024 3:41:43 PMLook as someone who plays Crucible very occasionally and not often enough to really complain about hunters or special ammo. The problem here is no games pvp in 2024 should be this awful. Balancing, match making all of it shouldn't be this bad. Yes Destiny has always had bad pvp balancing and match making but we shouldn't be so accepting of it dude. It needs to be better. But what do I know I don't play Crucible enough. There's a whole can of worms about that but I won't get into it.
Edited by Rams: 7/6/2024 8:36:05 PMThis meta is 100% better than multiple previous metas. It’s better than shatterdive meta, behemoth meta, chaos reach meta, linear fusion rifle meta both with omni and gyrfalcons, low meta, and threadling meta. These are from the point of view of a solar/arc warlock player. Sure this is annoying and needs to get nerfed, it is by no means the worst.
Iron Banner -blam!- sucks this week. So sick of losing 2/3 of my matches.
IB guns-only-mode
Never liked PvP in games like these. My PvP fix has always been R6 pretty much all the time.
50% of the PVP player base are hunters. Prismatic hunter is the class with generally the fast grenade cool down. Now you factor in smoke, and the updated swarm grenade (which does way too much damage), and abilities can be nearly spammed. In my honest opinion, they should just rework the class. The special ammo is in a happy medium, I wasn’t a fan of the meter system, but also not a fan of people maining chaperone or a main ingredient.
It's the smoke bomb, clone, swarm burning, radar manipulation, uncounterable super for me dawg
Too much special. Too many clones and invis and Hunters generally. Conditional Finality was needing a nerf far more than Red Death. Other than that it's business as usual: Hunter Hand cannon Shotgun Adept for the win, forever
It's bloody awful. There's not just one easy fix either.
Bungie: we've reduced all ability cooldowns. Current status: PvP has the most ability spam we've ever seen. Working as intended ????????
Who cares what people use if they are peers? The brutally unbalanced matchmaking is the problem.
The pvp has always been bad and I cannot wait for Marathon to flop to realize this
Matches are severely unbalanced. I just quit games now instead of finishing them. I don't care anymore. If it's a blowout and my team is losing, cya.
Half of players in IB ignore capturing zones. Like morons.
100% agree. We have the worst meta since stasis hunter meta. Don´t know what pvp strike team is doing?? And they are nerfing Khostow and Red Death??? Wow, and all the hunter doubles, swarm nades, hunter supers.... HUNTERS NEED A HUGE NERF IN PVP! And there should exists no overshild out of barricade!
That "pvp strike team" was just hype to build up to sell DLC's.
It has never been any better. Excluding the top 0.01%, gear has always mattered more in PvP than skill. Every meta, every ability, every version of SBMM will always feel horrible, because it rarely feels like you died, because your opponent did a good job. The lack of skill gap has been ruining PvP from the start.
Let’s start with removing sbmm and actually getting some fun quality games instead of sweaty lag fests.
Genuinely the worst iteration of SBMM I’ve ever seen. Every match I’m getting smoked and the teams are always so unfair, and the match is always so one sided. IB has actually been SUPER rough this time around. They must be smoking the good good with the MM here.
PVP has been ruined - old
Iron Banner has always been bad even in D1…. -
From the creators of Halo pvp comes something infinitely worse.
real. bring back checkmate!
I'm so happy we had checkmate and later hardware, only to not have one of the two always selectable and return back to this...
I was inevitable that it was gonna get worse with all these new abilities combinations, pretty sure bungie are trying to eliminate the use of weapons in pvp lol. No more first person shooter, we getting a first person abilities game . Something new for everyone
Connections need to be prioritized. Rest is whatever.
You think it's bad now, just wait until tribute starts next week.