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Destiny 2

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Edited by moist: 6/27/2024 7:49:44 PM

Final shape kinda sucks,no offense.

I loved the campaign but everything else after is super boring,specifically the quests,it feels like we have to do chores before actually enjoying the content,I’ve lost all drive to acquire anything. Khvostov issues:ultra boring grindy/buggy fetch quest for an exotic that’s overtuned in PvP and weak in PvE Class item issues:quest is very boring until you get to the exotic mission which then feels like a pain to grind for a single decent roll. Prismatic facet issues:boring secret fetch quest for every single facet that wasn’t from the campaign. Power grind issues: why is there even power levels at this point? Nothing is sunset,it’s a terrible mechanic which also feels old fashioned making the game even more of a grind. I’m not even having fun anymore,I feel burnt out from this season after just getting the prismatic facets. I’m not even a casual and this sucks man,there was so much hype behind the new loot and the changes bungie made but I can’t help but feel like it’s very lackluster,don’t get me wrong the campaign was amazing but everything else is just chores,it feels like I’m working a 9-5 just to get loot in the game. Does anyone else think so too? I know some people enjoy grinding away mindlessly like they have nothing better to do. Edit:if you haven’t bought final shape I don’t recommend you do,100 dollars is not worth the little starting content specially when the rest is drip fed while you’re expected to waste your life away for one exotic you want.

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  • Yes, I stopped playing all together after I finished the campaign. Got bored, so I moved on to other games. The content just couldn't persuade me to stick around.

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  • It does suck. This is the only dlc that I bought and I don't really play it. It was to heavily focused on streamers and time gated Content. I don't think I'll be purchasing anymore of bungies games after destiny or this dlc. It pushed alot of player away with the type of content they're releasing.

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  • Edited by XPLOSION: 6/23/2024 7:14:52 PM
    Pretty much. After the witness death i was like, “thats it? 👀 🤷. The big ol nothing burger by hitting statues with sword….? Then the exotic class item was a flop for me because I thought they would be better and not be mid. The dual mission was easy with my friend. I just though they would be more powerful. Streamers just are overhyping the -blam!- out of them for content. Seasons didn’t go away, they just became ✌️ “Episodes” ✌️(air quotes) just even more time gated bullshit. Then me raiding with a clan or LFG is a chore in itself. Now older raids are harder with modifiers? Nah, im not struggling for mid to piss poor loot. 5/10. Final Shape is average at best. Not terrible but not great either. Another big baddie of the destiny universe turns out to be not that big of a threat at all. 🙄

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    4 Replies
    • It's just same old Destiny. The glazers and 10/10s are all just thrilled Bungie finally gave them a good cutscene filled campaign with narrative. The gameplay in the campaign was some of the most boring and weak we've had in awhile. Walk forever, do some light mechanics, fight a trash mob, jump platforms for 10 minutes...fight boss, rinse/repeat. Everyone is overrating this campaign based on nostalgia and because Bungie made some of them emotional in the final cutscenes. Pale Heart content is kind of good, but you can be done with it in a week or two of grinding and then the seasonal activity is back to the same boring time gated weekly stuff.

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      2 Replies
      • Yeah it wSnt amazing like everyone is saying. The story was fine, but the missions themselves were killed by time wasting mechanics and boss immunity sheilds. And the raid, it might be the worst raid they have ever made. People are loving it for the wrong reasons. The mechanics are boring, just playing ping pong. But then they throw every mechanic out the window for the 4th encounter and it's so bad. The encounter is counterintuitive and has no place in the raid. It feels like oh we need this obscure puzzle to make it last even longer. Then the witness is the only fun encounter. I used to want to finish the raid in the first weekend bit that 4th encounter is just so bad it killed the entire raid for me. And then on top of everything they add a timer. And dual. Destiny that whole mission is a boring 30 min time waste.

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        • Shameless “bump”

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        • Worst part is one of the most honest D2 creators (which isnt saying much) said that this dlc is fantastic come play it we have new shiny things to play with, before saying its the exact same thing as it was before, pvp still sucks, pve is still pretty boring, and everything is a time eating grind (pattycakes or someone cant remember). How do you cope to that degree to not even hear what you are saying?

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        • Finally honest feedback. Yeah it's a mindless grind fest. I did the campaign and a few other things and I'm appalled at the exotic quests. They are all terrible. The auto rifle one is all bugged out. Ghost is offering a shader from lightfall. Bungie is out to lunch. They haven't fixed a single thing. This game will probably die I don't know when but I'd be surprised if it's still going this time next year. "The cracks are starting to show"

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          2 Replies
          • Edited by ExiIelegend: 6/24/2024 4:32:51 AM
            My biggest let down? We got a huge new destination that now, canonically, guardians should be in full droves inside the traveler but it’s a ghost town. You’re either soloing each zones wave based thing or you take to a singular area for a match made three person patrol essentially. TL;DR: beautiful new zone, but it’s empty as hell. Wasted potential.

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            12 Replies
            • Final Shape isn't 100 dollars. You played yourself.

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                PVP has been ruined - old

                Huh? I like it and there are two more chapters to come. However the weapons are a bit lackluster, not a single I got to have that gun moment!!

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              • The same here. Played through the campaign and co. with the first character and got to the end. It's all too grindy for me. I'm not a streamer, I have a job and a family. Just a solo casual player. I also want to play a different game. Then there are the many, many small pinpricks for solo players. Or that you have to play through all the campaign stuff again for the second/third character for Echo, for example. And, and, and. I'm so demotivated at the moment. After 6 years, I've almost completely moved away from the game. This will also be the last DLC I buy.

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                9 Replies
                • I liked the story but I wish it was longer. $100 to beat the legendary campaign in 3 hours is to short. The build up to kill the witness felt small. 10 years to get to this point and it felt weak. I also agree that this is just a grind fest and drip content still. And the bugs are still bad. I am missing 2 fragments still because it won’t convert the 5 light items to the legendary version.

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                  3 Replies
                  • I liked the campaign. It was a great wrap up to the storyline. I hate pathfinder. Bounties was my thing in this game for the longest time but if they are starting to get rid of them for this new system then I think I am pretty much done. No reason to log in like I used too.

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                    • Edited by SOLIDKREATE: 6/24/2024 6:54:52 PM
                      Yeah I am on the first mission where I'm supposed to confront The Witness. I stopped playing mid-mission. I just dont have the drive to continue with this anymore. You'd think for the last DLC ever for D2 they'd put way more effort into this. It seems unfinished and that they knew it was and tried to pass it off as new DLC. They need to add -blam!- events and dungeons and lost sectorsc (that we find, not the campaign find for us).

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                    • Yeah, kinda think you nailed it there I’d give the campaign and pale heart a solid 7. But after that? Back to a 3 grindathon

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                      9 Replies
                      • Edited by Oinkthebaconking: 6/23/2024 2:15:32 PM
                        The people promoting this garbage are such simps. It's as if your girlfriend (Bungie) who You've been wanting to break up with so much you started avoiding her(last year during Lightfall) invited you to dinner to "make things right". Then you get there and instead of the great meal you were promised she cooked ten boxes of Kraft Mac and cheese. You take a bite and you're so hungry it tastes delicious, but then just as you start to get sick of eating it she brings out dessert and says" here is the dessert that will actually make this meal good, but you can't eat it until you wash all our dishes first." Then you do it even though you know you're being taken advantage of, and you get your dessert. Then she says "well, let's move this to some endgame activities" and you walk into the bedroom to find another guy in there and she says "if you want this piece of endgame, you need to communicate with this other guy so you can both give me what I want". Then you go everywhere bragging about having a threesome, but you leave out the part about the other guy just so you can live with yourself.

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                        19 Replies
                        • bro! i have it some time. i enjoyed the campaign a bit it was difficult but not so bad i couldn’t finish. i was stuck on the last boss for a day or two but i got it done. the pale heart grind wasn’t bad, it was sort of okay, i was finding the feathers and chillin. then i started wanting to get stronger so i could over level some things and i noticed that even when you’re over leveled you’re still under level in all content. it is the dumbest thing ever. why do we need to grind light if we’re just going to be under level. and then all the pinnacles were out behind content i won’t be doing or attempting until i max my light. then i realized. i don’t want to actually play any of this trash. if there’s no pinnacle behind it there’s no point and i’m not going into dungeons to level. that’s dumb they’re not super easy (for me) and i just want to play the things to get to the harder things. for me the game has been ruined. it’s awful. it is awful. i don’t know who decided to make these changes or who bungie listened to probably saltagreppo and datto. i am so sick of these people. the raid is awful. it is the worst raid ever. i don’t give a -blam!- if anyone else likes it. to me it’s terrible. the cysts were dumb and stupid. i’d love to see how people are completing this trash in under 4 minutes. i got soooo many gripes about this dlc. to me it’s lightfall level bad. a complete bait and switch with marketing. episodes are just lame timegated seasons. all of it is trash. all the corporate bootlickers can step off with their idiotic defenses. this dlc is trash.

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                          4 Replies
                          • The story was full of plot holes and poorly written. The destination is boring and grindy. The quests are long, boring, and grindy. Finally, many of the more endgame activities are a little too hard with the light level being set a little too high or the mechanics being too much for most players, especially those -blam!- to use mics.

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                            2 Replies
                            • It’s literally the content drought and the fact that you can’t do anything besides the “advanced” nightfall and a few other repetitive things and not to mention the constant chasing ghosts around the solar system for a few shards and some armour, that’s definitely getting lame and pathfinder is a chore as well. Everyone will be like “LFG” how about no? I like to load into matchmade games and not all of us enjoy crucible or gambit What about something like DMZ or a round based thing that never ends and gets progressively harder you know copy call of duty?

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                              3 Replies
                              • Yup Lightfall all over again.

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                                5 Replies
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                                  you have the same mindless strike a week and onslaught which they made worse cause now you can't pick the map . l lost interest in it since they tied things together with dual class item and coop mechanics missions . big let down 3 out of 10 honest review. they need more options for match making without needing comms.

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                                • 11
                                  Also if I wanted such a horrible grind I’d play warframe,that game is free.

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                                  9 Replies
                                  • Edited by Hardcore_Uproar: 6/25/2024 6:59:39 AM
                                    I am playing other games way more these days, usually after a major expansion I am focused on it for a month or two. Final Shape has pretty much burned me out in less than a month. Final Shape seems to be designed simply to maximise your time in game at every turn rather than a place you want to be. A lot of the so called activities and quests are just repetitive chores. There is very little we haven't seen before. It just feels like you are jumping through hoops for the sake it most of the time in this game now. Add in the dull seasonal event, that we have seen many times before, and even a time gated Season Pass and it all smacks of being about maximising game time rather then making something you really want to play. Add in the fact that we are still on a power grind despite being less powerful than everything in game, and it all adds uo to just feeling like a tired drudge to a place I really cant be bothered going. I have no real desire to play Destiny most of the time now. I log in, shoot some guns for a bit and then the urge to go play something else kicks in.

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                                  • I have to agree. It's a huge let down. It feels like we are back to the same mindless grind again.

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                                  • The Quests are too grindy and you can't enjoy the good stuff solo. 😔

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