Good evening everybody! This is Aifos coming to you alive from a forest in the middle of nowhere! I'm lost, stranded, and alone, with no idea where I am or how to get home, so that's fun! :D
But that's besides the point, see, I'm also working on a writing project, and I've kind of hit a blank. So, I'm turning to you, the general populace of the Offtopic subforum, for help!
So here's the situation; two high school girls are stranded in a forest. They have no tools, weapons, or magics (with one exception noted below). Before getting magically teleported into the forest, they were on their way to school, so they do have backpacks with, like, school supplies and whatnot. One of the girls knows how to fight, and is quite good at it, the other one very much does not.
They are being chased by bird [url=]roughly the size of the Helmaraoc King[/url] (I tried to find a picture with a better size comparison, but this is the best I could find; just imagine a bird big enough to carry a child in its beak).
So, they first need to get the bird's attention, and then they need to fight it. They don't need to kill it or anything, the girl who can fight just needs to be touching the bird for roughly 15-30 seconds to beat it with MAGIC. This is easier said than done, though, as it will be trying to stab her with its beak, or throw her into the air with its talons, and if she were to hop onto its back, it would try its darnedest to shake her off, etc.
I've been having a rough time coming up with ways they could fight the bird, since they're totally unarmed and it's absolutely massive. Any suggestions are appreciated, even if they're totally out there!
[b][u]Tl;dr? Here's my point![/b][/u]
Two girls, no weapons or magic, giant bird. How they beat it? See above for more details. Gimme ideas please! Thanks in advance!
But that's all for now folks, jambuhbye!
The girl who needs to touch it to kill it could just get eaten by it. That's touching it.
Azura, Pronouns Haver
Sorceress of Crustania - old
“It’s wizard time -blam!-! Fireball” should stun the bird (based on size estimates it should survive) and it will then fall to the ground. The rest is pretty self explanatory. -
Ideas to win a fight? I'll let the brilliant strategist Corvatz start you off with the only suggestion you'll ever need:
Edited by Dredgen Wolf: 6/21/2024 5:03:42 AMHave the girl rhat can't fight distract bird by throwing books at it to get its attention, while this is happening the other girl is climbing a tree. As the bird gets lured in by anger and curiosity it moves closer to the first girl ready to attack, unaware of whats above it. With impeccable timing the girl that can fight swings down from the tree she was in simultaneously snapping part of a branch and jumps on the birds back while smacking it in the head with tree branch. The bird is shocked and discombobulated enough for the second girl to ride the bird whilst holding onto with her hands whilst inciting a magic spell to stun it over the course of 15-30 seconds, thus saving the day...
why fight it when they can have a bird friend or make it fall in a big hole idk
The first thing you need to consider is what type of bird it is, there are 11 types of Birds of prey but not sure how you could believably win against any of them
Brazillian Jiu Jitsu
[b] [/b]
They should spear it with a ruler/pen tied to a backpack, weighing it down so it can't fly away.
Giant bird? Say no more. Or perhaps… …Nevermore? :D 🏃♂️➡️🚪 [spoiler] nah kidding. So I guess these are teen peeps with pretty normal strength and speed. I doubt they can get out of this unscathed. When you say fight, i presume this means proper punching/kicking form (or martial arts experience). [b]Main idea:[/b] Given that it’s a big bird in the forest (assuming the forest is normal sized or at least has a not too thick but not thin tree density.) I guess they can weave through the trees to hinder the birds movements (unless it just blows through trees) Obviously the one that can’t fight would have to be the bait, (maybe they do track, idk their backgrounds but that could help. Maybe too coincidentally cheesy though.) using supplies and bags to attract attention and possibly confuse it should its head get too close (throw a bag full of… rocks? Sticks? ..something shiny?) Then the one that can fight can come from behind to grab.. idk tail or wing or climb in it somehow. I feel like this is a run away situation unless some form of environmental advantage appears mid-scramble. Like thick leaves and many trees to hinder bird movement. Something to prevent it from just flying up and killing them with gravity. And it has to get there in the first place. ——— [i][b]Spitball time![/b][/i] -Bush camouflage? -Hop into its stomach? -…they lose a hand but they’re technically still touching the bird from within? -Involve another giant thing? -get it stuck in environment (leaves, hole, cave, trees, Chinese fingertrap)? -use their lunch to lure it out (highly doubt human snacks could possibly appease such a being around ten times their size.)? -they brought home lunch and use utensils to fight/climb the bird like it’s Dragon’s Dogma. (Probably too shallow to do anything)? +the above but sharpened sticks using lunch knives? -make a trap and bait/flank +make a pit trap, bait it in, then use tranq bombs to capture -avoid thing, unless it’s crucial that this very bird must be subjected to the effects of character 2’s hold-to-charge magic powers? -die and then wake up at the last bonfire they rested at (*alone, cause you need to regain humanity before you can summon a friend.) ——— Unless they have semi super human ability (strength, speed, jumps) this’ll be hard, and I’m pretty sure the RWBY reference I made is trying to affect my view of the scenerio. Is it crucial enough that it mustn’t be cut or revised? [Interesting scenerio though. Quite the entertaining thinker.] [/spoiler]
Have the one who can’t fight act as live bait, scooby Doo style whilst the other wrestles to hold onto bigbird, getting flung off constantly.
Does she have to be touching it with her hand or just come in contact with it for that long?