[i]Link in post goes to Imgur, with two screenshots showcasing what I'm talking about.[/i]
Exactly like the title says. I cannot continue forward in The Final Shape's Campaign because there's straight up 0 prompt to claim prismatic.
I have already completed the campaign on my warlock, including having done 4 of the 6 lost ghost quests.
I'm not sure if any of that matters.. but there's just nothing I can do. I can't continue in the mission, and I can't get prismatic, I keep resetting the mission, but it keeps setting me back to where I have to fight off the enemies and get the 2 icons of darkness to open the door... just to end up in this situation again.
I'm getting really frustrated at this point having to fight these same guys over and over again, and I just wanna keep playing.
Don't buy the boost, that doesn't give you prismatic but will get you past the first mission, but yeah a lot of people are having this same issue where they can't claim prismatic on their alt characters no matter what they do.