Just posting to see if i could find any more women who play destiny. I myself am a woman and would like to find more women to play with. I’m pretty chill so send me a dm if you are a woman and are looking for the same thing. 😊
Nice try FBI I'm not falling for this again.
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
I don’t care who The Vanguard sends, I’m not paying Vault Taxes. -
My wife plays in an all-female clan, so there's definitely ladies out there!
I have quite a few friends that are women, so they are definitely out there lol. Good luck 😁👍!
Watch out for the stalker guy that posts about looking for female gamers, be safe
I am not a woman, but my hunter is female. It was funny in the beginning of D1 how many random invites I'd get then get from dudes, then booted when my deep booming voice was like "what's up?" It's actually the only reason I was invited to the fireteam I first completed VoG with, but all but one of them turned out to be pretty cool people.
That’s a fed, they lure you in with comments like “oh this shotgun is too heavy, I wish I could meet someone with a hacksaw” then your dog gets shot and you get sent to jail
Edited by An Engram Full Of Bees: 5/18/2024 4:08:41 AMYou’ll probably have better luck if you put this under clan recruitment! You’re going to get a lot of troll responses here lol Best of luck!
I identify as a gamer grill.
I'm not that chill, when it comes to pvp.
This isn't going to find you a gamer girl, sorry dude.
Women aren’t real
Try Pinterest or Tiktok
Please do not feed the trolls