Edited by BackdoorBacon: 5/16/2024 3:56:24 PMYeah they gonna nerf banner of war again for sure. Probably grapple melee and loralay again too.
What is coming. Who doesn’t play all 3 classes? The whole class debate is so childish. There’ll be a new meta, that’s whats coming. There always is.
You know they are going to, (if I may borrow a phrase from Skeletor), “Old Yellow the b!+ch”.
Edited by BUSTERxCHERRY: 5/17/2024 11:35:40 PMI'm just waiting for the Stasis buff.
This is exactly why I have uninstalled game because they are back to making brain dead decisions and nerfing things that never needed touching soon as I saw lament nerf I knew what's next so fk bungie I'm done But what more should anyone expect from devs that know banned cheaters are back streaming like mtash lmao also the devs listen to a worlds first raid team that has just been exposed as having cheaters on the team 🤔 cough 🧂az team
probably not a massive nerf to BoW itself. They'll just remove OTP and Melee exotics from functioning with Grapple melee
Edited by RUFIORUFIO: 5/17/2024 6:04:10 PMYeah easily know Banner of War is about to be destroyed. Need Melee kills meaning you have to be right in enemies faces. It should be left how it is.. but Bungie will destroy all the fun like always.
they got the majority of the pre order money in so they can now provide all the bad news they held close to the chest all these months.
Well warlocks to. Next week is gunna be madness on here.
Void Hunters, get ready Invisibility is just has broken has self rez , and will be removed
Yeah. Have fun? No. Plink enemies with pulse rifles and use a heavy trace lol
guns change will change basically nothing outside making maybe whisper a top option on other bosses outside oryx , the abiliity nerfs well can't wait to see grapple melee sunbracers and well get destroyed, they ruled the pve meta for too long , especially well
What are you refering to?
I am honestly shitting myself for the 22nd lol, worried they're gonna nuke everything good like celestial nighthawk and lucky pants.
Edited by viiTactiiCZz: 5/16/2024 3:17:01 PMSurprised it hasn't happened sooner*. Fully expecting banner to cap out at 2/3 instead of 4, and the healing pulses to get a slight reduction