They should restrict exotic weapons from trials for a weekend and see how it goes. Would be interesting to see w/ normal and grinded weapons the difference in playstyle and gameplay
Most Exotics weapons have a Legendary equivalent, so I fail to see how this would make a difference. I prefer more variety to less, so I am against this idea. Plus, I enjoy using Exotic weapons, so I'm doubly against it
You still won’t get flawless 😂
I’ve always thought this. Other PvP games do this, why does Bungie think their sandbox is so perfect that they wouldn’t need to do it too? There are a handful of over performing weapons, armor and abilities that should be disabled to keep things competitive inside trials. Again, does Bungie think their sandbox is perfect? They should really consider this idea. It’s not a new one. There have been plenty of competitive pvp games before it that have implemented this and/or still do.
140 hand cannons and precision shotguns Everywhere. At all times
They should reverse the special changes.
No thanks. Gonna keep Condtional glued to my hand as long as void overshield bubble titans exist. All this would do is make THAT problem even worse to deal with.
[b][u]*Hung Jury SR4 Has Entered The Chat*[/u][/b] Literally every meta weapon would be coming out of the woodworks. It would most likely be Scouts galore because people can’t get aggressive unless they have their Conditional Finality glued to their hand.
Trials but you can only use glaive melee
Better idea, use the sundial and erase trials from existence.
Edited by The2ndWave: 4/29/2024 1:27:45 AMMy Trials idea would be something like a “Duel” back in the olden days. Everyone is given exactly the same guns with exactly the same perks. Then opposing teams should have the same composition one class of each, i.e., one Titan, one Warlock, and one Hunter on both teams and they all should have the same subclasses on a given week. In short, what I mean is everyone is given equal power. Even the acquisition of super energy is equal and everyone gets their supers at the same time. The only difference is how they use these at each other of opposing teams. Enjoy!
It would be interesting, id also add no exotic armour. All legendary weekend 💯
Edited by WAR: 4/29/2024 10:06:32 AMNo more ability 2 stack in any PVP and get rid of the ability to Crouch spam auto rifles and submachine guns and revert changes back to two Special ammo economy
I'm going to say no for one simple reason: the lag is now so bad that without wishender to see where the enemy is coming I'd never get a kill.
Why its just shotguns anyways
Edited by RabbitTears: 4/29/2024 4:08:46 AMIt’s still gonna be shotgun fest 🤷
Edited by Zodleon: 4/29/2024 2:07:25 AMThat'd be bubbles' week, again.
Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 4/29/2024 3:35:26 AMThey would just use a Legendary shotgun
So fractethyst and summoner the game mode?
Would prefer the removal of FTMM and never having Cauldron as a map ever again.
I like that idea. I can’t say that would make me want to return to trials and play anymore, but I might enjoy watching some streamers play.