We need more loadouts. With primsmatics release and random rolled class exotics the 10 loadouts we have now is not enough since there is going to be alot of build experimentation and variation which the current 10 can barely support.
Monster Hunter: World is a pure build-crafting game just like Destiny 2… In MHW, there’s over 200 loadout slots. Before people asked for more, there were still over 100. Destiny 2 having similar build-crafting potential with only 10 slots is miserable. Not even the ability to name them properly…
Lol good one ?! It took 9 years to loadouts in the first place 😂
If mods can have a whole page, loadouts can get a whole page. I’m gonna need like double the slots once Prismatic lands!
Naturally. A [b]delete[/b] option for loadouts would also be nice.
yeah true, we have dim but will be cool to have at least 10 more slots
Edited by Obi-Juan: 4/19/2024 2:06:46 PMUse DIM to have as many loadouts as you want saved. Then use Destiny to have the ones that you actually use on a daily basis. I'm all for more loadouts in game. But until then, here's my advice^
Having a few more slots might be nice, but it would help if they also simplified the mod system. People, for sure, have loadout slots used up just because they need a different elemental type surge mod, orb generating mod, reload mod, etc... There are dozens and dozens of differently flavored mods pretending the mod system is more complex than it really is it's almost insulting. I find it hard to believe this the mod system the devs wanted to play themselves. All of these mods could be replaced by about 5 universal mods. Coincidentally, it would make builds more interesting because you would have the armor energy to access more builds and streamline playing different events with a better mod system & more loadout slots.
Biomutant is the answer
yeah, i still have to save loadouts on dim because i have so many builds. 4 more slots would be nice
Edited by LionLight: 4/21/2024 5:03:24 AMI agree. More loadout slots would be great with the amount of different builds all of us want to make and save. I’m aware that there are DIM loadouts and I’m slowly learning how to set them up but I’d really appreciate more slots in the game instead of having to rely on DIM for that. It’s a preference. I do know there are some additional features on DIM like optimizing loadouts as well which Destiny 2 loadouts could use. A delete option for loadouts would’t hurt. It’s a bit odd needing an app to delete loadouts at the moment.
They need to kinda flesh it out. I'd even take it being an app extension or the fleshed out version being available via the API. We should have things like - Ornament loadouts - Artifact loadouts - Unlimited loadouts via the app (I know DIM does this) - The ability to link ornament + artifact + weapon/armor loadouts together so you can just alter one aspect of it easily. Ie if the armor/weapons are set correctly but you want to set the same ornaments/shaders etc to multiple loadouts you shouldn't need to alter all but rather just change one cosmetic loadout
Another 10 would be great if not just for fashion alone.
Minimum 2 more slots would be needed, but I’m really hoping for something like 6
Typically I just use whatever as my skill level is pretty high up there.
There needs to be an entire loadout screen. With multiple columns containing multiple load outs. Each column you’re able to name the category, and each loadout you’re able to name as well. I don’t understand why they created preset names for loadouts. If I want to name my loadout “Pus**y-slayer 69” let me. I envision one column for pvp, one for raids, one for GMs, one for dungeons, etc. At LEAST a total of 25 loadout on that screen. AND DON’T LOCK THEM BEHIND PAYWALLS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
Excuse me what 10 loadouts?
Destiny item manager - almost unlimited
Remember last year when we had zero loadouts? I remember
1.99$ and your problems will be solved.
I say we get unlimited loadouts and just have to organize them ourselves.
10 loadouts for every subclass.
We need 3 loadouts in each row.
I am not even sure how to rename loadouts, or if their is a way to change icon. Gambit loadout pops up 1st on my loadout screen and thats about last on my priorities in this game. 90-95% i just do pve any more. The 6 loadouts i do have availavle do not say solar, which is what i use the most.
I agree. We need at least 10 more, and get rid of the paywall. 20 Loadout slots for everyone. As it stands, players who don’t buy season passes only have access to a maximum of 6 slots. Definitely not enough.