Hipfire grip is useless on a pulse rifle. It makes no sense why it has that perk in the first place when nobody hipfires with a pulse. Give it a different perk like encore or eye of the storm. Make the hipfire grip intrinsic to it just to replace the full auto perk on it since full auto fire is already part of the options in the game.
Bring back the exotic mission for it and make it craftable. Or rejig the Shattered Throne and make it a craftable drop from that. Give us a reason to play it again.
It needs Onslaught
Any weapon that requires me to hipfire for a perk to work is an instant delete for me. I dont think ive ever used the weapon because of it.
Move Hip-Fire grip to the intrinsic. Then maybe, at maximum stacks of String of Curses, hits siphon health and ability energy from targets. The health and energy return I’m thinking something along the lines of what Child of the Old Gods gives. Then maybe also just have the catalyst give +15 Range
Encore would go crazy with the String of Curses damage buff. Range, stability, damage, and super energy on kills would be NUTS even if it’s probably a bit too OP.
Used to be one of my go too weapons in d1, now not worth the pixels 🙁
Replace hip fire with zen moment
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
Could…[i]could we give Bad Juju the Classy Contender perk?[/i] Asking as a Voidlock that wants to spam Rifts for Child of The Old Gods… -
I'd like Osmosis on it.
I would replace hipire grip with a damage perk Cause I don't think string of curses increases damage, just super generation , maybe I'm mistaken Maybe Bungie doesn't want it to be good because players would be getting 3-4 supers a match
Give it Desperado or Kinetic Tremors.
I think heating up or kinetic tremors.
BAD JUJU had a "Hidden" Perk .... you will have a "cursed thrall explosion" at the 145 or the 146 kill...This can be accomplished ONLY if you DONT manually reload and have the catalyst .. this would be DOPE if Bungie let this happen more often.. it would breathe NEW life into the Bad Juju.... But dont make it on every headshot kill(like dragonfly).. but every 5th precision kill... that way it wont over shadow the Necrochasm too much...
They should replace hipfire grip with its hidden explosion and have the explosion do more damage with higher string of curses stacks
I think it would benefit from the Onslaught perk.
Make it and hawkmoon craftable 👍
give it desperado 😈
In a way they could put Thresh on it to boost that super regen it grants on kill. Though I would say buff the base super gains instead and throw on something to make getting those kills easier.
Vorpal and Firefly but with green soulfire colored explosions. I literally use it to watch the pretty lights melt trash adds.
Make it vortex frame
Edited by Lich: 4/15/2024 7:54:41 PMGive it encore, reduce the stacks of string of curses to 3x, and keep the same damage profile as a 5x stack. Rework, the hidden perk of 150 kills in a row, grants a loud thrall explosion. Make it so chained kills groups them in a so-called like thether As it's string of curses.
Edited by Hot Tasty Grits: 4/15/2024 6:45:41 PMKeep the super generation but replace hip fire with onslaught 😁 Probably to much 🤣
String of Curses should be a bar charge like Wormgods, they should also give it kinetic tremors/headseeker for more damage or thresh to bump its super gen just that little bit more.
there should be a meter to fill up over time, when meter is full alt fire mode can be accessed by holding a " button ". alt fire applies dot to the bullets fired for: 20 seconds or 80 bullets or something.
Bad juju is one of my favorite exotics, but really only because it was one of the first ones I got in D1. I still use it periodically, and good lord are you right about hip fire grip
For a minute I thought you were going to say that it's basically an exotic with Thresh and (insert damage perk of choice), and then you mentioned Hip Fire Grip. So now, I have to agree with you AND point out the fact that it's just an Exotic with Thresh and (insert damage perk of choice). And now I remember why I never use it.