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Edited by Seiryoku: 4/10/2024 2:05:15 AM

Prismatic looks dope

Super excited for the power fantasy and [spoiler]freedom to combine certain abilities[/spoiler]coming in TFS. I like feeling powerful with challenge still existing. [spoiler]A little concerned about how the Crucible will deal with Prismatic.[/spoiler] Exotic [spoiler]class items[/spoiler] coming back in a new and powerful way is also something the community has asked for. Looks like a lot of fun and worth the wait. New enemies that have unique identities instead of just larger health bars.

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  • It's completely different, and that's what we have been wanting, new.

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  • I think crucible will just have to be a broken mess if PvE is going to be fun. Unfortunately for PvP players.

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    3 Replies
    • Needs to allow 3 aspects at least or it's a bust.

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    • yeah pve gona ba even more of a joke and pvp might aswell be just removed at this point imagine breaking ur own game to this point just to sell more dlcs

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      • Sure. At least until the PvP players ruin it by complaining how OP it is and strongarm Bungie into nerfing it.

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        • Edited by NotCreative123: 4/10/2024 2:04:49 PM
          Everything looks seamless and great! More customization is always a good thing, especially with subclasses But I am also scared for PVP.. I like a balanced Sandbox..

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        • I know they say class items will merge 2 exotic effects, but I assume based on what they show it’ll only really be parts of exotic effects which could be rolled into fragments. They showed invis on melee kills and increased melee damage when surrounded - both of which are on the power level of just being a fragment. I wouldn’t expect something like sunbracers to get rolled in, but things like ophidians, sprint speed buffs, and other small effects will be fair game. This will allow current exotics to remain powerful, while letting you roll for specific and niche combos to compliment your builds. I just don’t expect the new perks to be much more powerful than just getting access to 2 more fragment slots.

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          • Im a bit confused as to how it will be implemented. Bungie was strangely silent about if this subclass will be rolled in to well everything. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if this ended up being limited to spicific activities in TFS. I also find it odd how in the reveal footage for the new exotic the menue is full of placeholder icons. We are about a month from release and they still have placeholder icons in TFS? That is a bit of a yikes. I also wonder why there wasn't anything about this new subclass in the intial reveal. You think something as huge as this would help them sell pre-orders. Why in earth wouldn't you want to market that if it is a major feature? Im very warry of what is actually going on over at Bungie. If Prismatic ends up being a big part of TFS then we can expect to have a nightmarish first episode were we will see weekly balance passes and changes as Bungie reacts to all the "out of band" builds people put together.

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            3 Replies
            • Edited by Gregar Beast Silver: 4/9/2024 7:53:08 PM
              Did they say Two random Exotic abilities will be rolled into the Class item? Or did I misunderstand what they said? Edit: Thanks to all of your responses 👍🏽 I'd definitely go for Star Eaters/Frost-Ee5 😍.

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              • It'll break the game, not a fan of stuff like that tbh

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                • Huge w for the core casual player base… the people that actually enjoy fun

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                  • It will change how the game is played. I’m stoked to play FS.

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                  • Prismatic : probably another repeat of stasis dominating PvP to the point of p2w again before nerfing it and "we knew that prismatic needs several nerfs before release" post Exotic class items though, another possible of p2w gear unless free players can get their hands on it

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                    • Knucklehead radar + one eyed mask on a warlock is possible.

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