I can't be the only one that finds Bungie's lack of Warlock identity discouraging. Number puddles and brainless automated turrets (in various colors) are not interesting or engaging in the slightest. I truly can't understand why a magic-wielding spellcaster called [i]Warlock[/i], (not Cleric, Priest, or Engineer) was dumped on this path without hesitation or revision.
Along with all the interesting variety of mechanics and synergy plainly missing on Warlock, Broodweaver's Super Needlestorm has really gotten under my skin. It doesn't take much imagination to see it's just an uncontrollable Nova Bomb.. which is itself already tired, as one of the oldest and simplest abilities in the IP's history.
The solution is to just play a different class. But I've spent so much time maining one character, as the designers have deliberately enabled, to restart now. So I'm primarily just playing a different game.
Let me know when all three classes are worth playing. Thanks for reading.
"Green Nova Bomb" Ah yes, warlock strand super really is just a singular projectile that moves towards one target and then detonates on impact killing only the things around the initial impact area... Nova Bomb: either a slow-moving single projectile that explodes into 4 projectiles, each one capable of killing even the most tanky of Guardians in their super, OR a vortex bomb that hits and draws enemies in, dealing heavy DOT but only in one place Strand Super: a large scattering of precision projectiles with rapid movement that hits 1-9 targets, then on impact/detonation, creates a Threadling with more dmg than standard threadlings, which seek out ANOTHER 1-9 targets (depending on how many threadlings go to the same enemy, or even find one at all) or, if they cant find any, return to the caster to be used again later. I'm sorry but if you think Strand super is just green nova bomb, you're either using it very wrong or you're not paying any attention to what it actually does.
Warlocks also deserve a proper stasis super, not some point and click adventure that is the infinity gauntlet in PvP yet struggles to fight a yellow bar in PvE
Needle storm is fantastic, get out of here with that.
Count your lucky stars uou have a shutdown mechanic, or in this case 2. Titans don't have any. And Hunters have at least 3
I wish it was hive magic amd we got a true necromancer lich build.
Edited by WulfPak666: 4/9/2024 12:44:55 PMI just wish it had better target priority tracking or Point of aim. Kind of tired of aiming it at a big mofo that I want dead and when I shoot it off, literally out of the 12 or so it fires out, 1 Threadling will hit the champ I actually aimed at and the rest of em will track to some random dreg in the background.
I agree with Smooch, for a warlock strand is like commanding your own army of threadlings, todays drop of the new hord activity Onslaught, threadling builds is one I'm going to try
Strand warlock is one of the best subclasses in the game. Would you rather have another useless super like nova warp?
Bungie: We hear you! We're nerfing Nova Bomb to improve the value of Strand!
What if you got a roaming strand super where you float around and tickle enemies with strand tentacles that come out your hands??!
It does do some of the highest single target damage for a warlock super.
It’s literally just a group of threadlings. I could accomplish the same thing with a threadling nade and a threadling rift. I liked the original idea they had planned of a massive strand spider, I don’t get why they stray off these things…
Green blade barrage* Strand at least moves faster than a Nova lol
Edited by Alchemill: 4/7/2024 6:29:02 PM100% agree, God forbid they give warlocks a fun playable kit for strand that isn’t spam arcane needles or spam threadlings nades like the other two classes. zero personality, unlike a grapple, or suspension hunter, or a banner of war or woven mail titan. Feels like Strand warlock has zero identity in the live game.
That miss their intended target often
I see the strand super as a green blade barrage, not really nova bomb. I was hoping we could get a roaming strand super instead. The one and done supers for warlocks usually feel meh.
Those little green guys go around walls. You can at least survive nova if you get far enough away, the green MIRV is satellite guided to your dome.
Edited by Obi-Juan: 4/7/2024 6:01:44 PMIf it's not a continuous laser beam like chaos reach, if it's not throwing swords like daybreak if it's not a 1 time throw of massive damage, what else are you expecting them to do with it? I'm genuinely curious No way you wanted it to be a roaming super. Warlock's already have daybreak, shadebinder, nova warp and stormtrance The issue with warlock isn't variety. It's balance. Why use anything when Solar Well lock is about 10 times better than anything else. The other subclasses need to either be buffed or solar well lock needs to be nerfed, which i'm almost certain it will in final shape since warlock's will be getting a new solar super.
Edited by Zodleon: 4/7/2024 10:23:25 AMIt's green blade barrage, and you'll thank your hunter overlords for allowing it so generously. Now teach me the Kamehamaha
Try having 5 of the same super
I'm personally bored of Strand as a whole tbh. It just feels so bland to me. Even grapple is pretty useless now with Skimmers being a thing. Leaks are divided in regards to whether or not we get a third Darkness Subclass post-TFS. While I would like a red-themed subclass that's reportedly coming, I would prefer Bungie expanding on the ones we have now, including adding new supers. The new (and old) supers coming in TFS give me hope that's what they're doing.
Uh. Ok? To say that everything you just posted is swill really just insults swill. Warlocks have an extremely focused identity and the subclass synergy with many exotics is off the chain. Sometimes I switch to my Hunter in pve just because Warlock has such strong builds that it can become boring. Then you imply that Bungie only wants you to play one class? Are you suggesting that you don't have a Titan or Hunter or are you just complaining that the story isn't good enough to run all three through it? I can understand the second viewpoint as I don't run all three through, I just keep them mostly current. On the rare chance that you might actually be more reasonable than that post suggests, I'll tell you what works for me. I keep all three classes close to the cap, and I read the patch notes when they come out. I do this because at the start of every season I make a decision as to what class I will be maining. It's usually Warlock, but I've gone entire seasons on Hunter. Y1 and 2 of D2 I just mained Hunter because the game was shallow and Hunter is decent in both pve and pvp. Right now I am using Warlock for pve and Titan in pvp. I do this because Bungie hasn't seen fit to give us enough load out slots.
If you jump a little too high and use needle storm it completely misses everything then the threadlings do nothing because they got nerfed to an oblivion
Edited by Lich: 4/9/2024 12:12:04 AMBunige lacks any creativity when it comes to warlock. In both supers, abilites, and armor design. When I think Warlock Vampire, Lich, necromancer, devil, demon, and eldritch come to mind. Not a wizard, priest or cleric. Zero Identity a cross the board.
The way we see Destiny and the way Bungie see it are totally seperate.......lightyears apart. Strand lock is pretty fun to be fair. But overall.......Bungie can't see passed their tank healer dps tags. So overall unless it's tied into healing with warlock......you won't see many spectacular damage classes on Warlock. To give you an idea of Bungie's laziness incase you missed it. Strand Titan's super was just another Fists of Panic but in Green. So what would I expect from Bungie with strand lock? It's called Needlestorm isn't it? Toss the bugs aside and give us something diabolical. Impale the target from 10 different points instead. It's a fire an forget super. May as well give it something more enjoyable to watch.
Something something making content is hard, something something don't overdeliver.........