[i][b]YOU DO NOT NEED TO OWN THE GAME TO JOIN[/b][/i], all you need is to download the demo for Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered, and join [url=https://discord.gg/PpHsAvRR]this[/url] Discord server!
More details how it works [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/263780903/0/0]here[/url]!
Note, this is for Switch & PS4/5 only.
We currently don’t have enough players to actually start anything, and the game night will probably be cancelled, if that happens Aifos will be very sad. You don’t want to make Aifos very sad do you?
That is all. Please join, it will be fun! Jambuhbye!
Edited by The Spoken: 4/4/2024 12:14:29 PMI would, but mein PS4 ist kaput. :( Edit: Wait a minute, you said switch :D