The amount of cheaters in East Asia server is INSANE. In every matchs, literally every single match of any PvP game mode, there are cheaters. There are always some guardians sliding out of cover and putting every single bullets in others' heads, always prefiring with hand cannon, and even more hilarious behaviors . Just link to the Steam home pages of whoever in first place of the match on both side then you will find tons of comment said that they are cheating.
Of course I've tried to use VPN to take myself to other servers for comparison. Yes, I am able to have some normal games and normal players at the cost of high ping and funds for VPN, which makes me more sure that my statement is correct.
So Bungie, what is actually your Anti-cheat detection capabilities? I don't feel like my reports about these cheaters working. I think Asian servers should be treated more strictly.
I can't remember the last time I played any crucible mode where the lobbies weren't full of cheaters. Bullets curve around walls, every shot regardless of how impossible are all headshots, enemies blinking in and out of existence, all blatantly obvious. It's been like this forever. Bungie apparently thinks they stand to make more money from their enormous cheating player base than they would from the millions of people who quit or refuse to play because of the rampant cheating. We have even repeatedly mass reported our own friends who have openly admitted to cheating, and nothing has ever happened to them. Not even a warning. Nothing. Bungie does not care.
It's well-known Chinese have most cheaters. Xim devices are very common in their daily life.
Buy a console brother. Bungie doesn't care once they get your money :( & Americans apparently think the whole world is just America, nothing else exists
Edited by Rastaman (GRANDMASTER): 4/2/2024 11:31:00 AMSo now it are the asians .. ??? 🤣 Yeah sure there are cheaters just like there are cheaters in america , europe and all . Cheaters are not in one place , they are everywhere you genius .. Streamers are a bigger problem because they are always in easy lobbies and team-up with other streamers so you would think they would get matched with people on their own level with a high k/d like them but no they are getting matched with clowns , everytime .. But when they are finally are getting matched with a skilled guy and they are getting killed by them then that guy is accoarding to the streamer always cheating . The only people still playing pvp every day are the streamers . Most of the playerbase is waiting for the final shape but the streamers are the ones that know everything about xim , cronus , vpn lobbies , cheats and all . People should open their eyes more so they can see . But sure , the only cheaters are the asians ! 🤣🤣🤣
Hear me! Here me! Socks are prisons of the feet! ;) your welcome
Bungie: No problem here.
I play out of East coast Aus so get flicked around a range of servers and found there are the odd cheaters on all of them but its not endemic. I am crap at PvP and Trials so loose a lot but can still have fun. There are some awesome players out there so sometimes you are going to get stomped and they are not cheating. A bigger issue is the matchmaking algorithm so sick of coming up against stacked team a level 11.
Servers? Ahh bless.
Funny how before the update only a few players barely did headshots while majority of the time using shotguns, fusions,witherhoard with ability spam now all of a sudden im seeing a skyrock high number amount of players getting godlike headshots SuS One Thing I can say this update shows how it made it more obvious of the players that are cheating in pvp on the low thinking players don't know what "Software" they using 😒
[quote] In every matchs, literally every single match of any PvP game mode, there are cheaters. There are always some guardians sliding out of cover and putting every single bullets in others' heads, always prefiring with hand cannon [/quote] Most of these instances probably aren't cheats Tbh.
Edited by Lore Oradon: 4/1/2024 4:34:29 PMIf you look up the Game laws in East Asia...I could then see why Players over there Cheat. Edit: East Asia has their own in a way "Prohibition" on Gaming.
Edited by Chunk: 4/1/2024 1:49:14 PMI'm not saying they're not cheating! But maybe we should be more careful with who we call cheaters. I played a lot of comp last night and I got hate mail from one guy calling me a spinner cheater multiple messages saying how he reported me. Look at my stats I'm not a good player 73% headshot with 100% aim assist weapon, im just over 1kd, I'm not a good player He got mad and called me a cheater because I matched against the one person in comp that I was better than and I killed him a lot. Edit: N yes I hide my stats because I must be a cheater, right? or I'm active on forums and when someone wants to shame me or you they look up our stats and clearly our intelligence level is tied to our pvp kd! Couldn't possibly be anything else like I'm old or I live in a rural area with shite internet but I do have the best my area offers..
I made you mad enough to stat check :) - old
Be careful otherwise you’ll get called racist. -
Edited by Solemniis: 4/1/2024 1:13:30 PMServer taken over by a Chinese business probably 🤔
Most people don't understand the network aspect of online gaming. The reason it SEEMS like Asians are cheating is because they are far away from the servers (connections have more latency) and the lag compensation is putting them in god mode. It's been that way for as long as I've played these games. That's why custom servers in games like BF4 will specify all players must be from the same region or they will get kicked by the mods. Balanced match making generally means you need all players to be within the same range of latency.
east asia sewers full of cheaters u say, why not just let em be there with the rest of the rats :P ^^
What server?
They’re out of control. Just my last trials session I matched with 2 obvious sketchy people. One guy had a 5.7 kd
There's cheaters here too and they cheat on you... I mean against you. I, however, will take it on those that that truly deserve it.